Defect - By Ryann Kerekes Page 0,10

“Let’s see what you’ll do when motivated. We’ll make it more interesting this time.” He pushes me towards the pool, bending to grab the rope.

We stand at the edge of the pool, my heart hammering in my chest. He turns me and begins to tie my wrists behind me again. I struggle against him, trying to pull my arms free. “You can’t – I can’t …”

He whips me around to face him and backhands me. The force of it stings, and I taste blood on my lip. I’ve never been hit before, and I’m more surprised than anything else. I swallow down the lump in my throat and stare defiantly up at him. I will not cry. I breathe through my nose, trying to stay calm. If I’m going into the water, I need to hold myself together.

He resumes tying my wrists, and I hold them apart as far as I dare without him noticing, giving myself more room to work. Once he tests the ropes, checking that they’re secure, I know I’m about to be shoved into the water. I take a few deep breaths, trying to clear my head. I feel his hands on my back and take one last gulp of air as he pushes me into the water.

I hit the water and instantly begin to sink, though I’m kicking my feet to stay afloat. My drenched clothes and the heavy rope are no match, and in a few seconds I’m on the bottom of the pool. The instant my feet hit the bottom I begin working at the ropes using the same strategy I did before to free myself. I know I can do it again. Except underneath the water, the rope seems to give differently, and my arms are exhausted from the weights and climbing.

The lack of air is already starting to become uncomfortable. I blow a stream of bubbles from my nose, preserving some of the air I have left in my lungs. My hands work faster, my fingers fumbling at the ropes. I know I’m not making any progress, and I begin to panic. I look up and see Kane’s blurry figure watching me from the edge of the pool. He waves at me.

The pain and anger push me to work faster. My fingers pry at the rope, twisting and pulling with all I have. I become disoriented and forget which hand I’m working to free. I release the last of the air I’ve been holding, and my lungs scream out for oxygen. I know I only have a few more seconds of consciousness and pull violently at the ropes, flailing my arms behind me. It only serves in making them tighter. My feet push up from the bottom as I try to swim for the surface, but without my arms, I’m like a rock and sink back down.

Above me, something catches my attention. I see Kane struggling with someone and hear shouting that’s muffled by the water. Suddenly someone’s in the water with me. But I can’t hold my breath any longer. My brain screams for air, and I choke down a gulp of water just as hands reach out and grab me.

Chapter 4

When I come to, I’m lying on the concrete at the edge of pool, turned on my side. I gasp for air. I cough and cough and the chlorinated water burns my throat on its way up. I look up and see Will – soaking wet – shove Kane hard, knocking him back several steps. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” he yells.

“I was testing her – just like you would have done,” Kane answers, though suddenly not so certain.

“No! Not like I would have done.” Will shoves him again. My heart pounds, and I lift up on my elbow to watch. “O’Donovan wants her alive,” Will says to him.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t think there’d be any harm,” Kane adds, his voice shaking.

“Get out of here.” Will’s voice is angry, commanding, and Kane doesn’t argue.

I hear Kane’s heavy footsteps as he leaves through the gymnasium, but I don’t sit up until I hear the door click behind him.

Will stands over me. “You all right?” He reaches one hand out toward me.

I nod and take it, and he hauls me to my feet. I know not to trust him, that he didn’t save me to be chivalrous, but after my near drowning, my brain is confused.

When I stand, my knees tremble and I falter, but Will slips his arm Copyright 2016 - 2024