Deeper than the Night - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,86

I don't want to hold the power of life and death in my hands. I don't want to make those kinds of decisions."

He hadn't mentioned his own life, his own needs, but she knew he would never have any kind of private life if people knew the miraculous power of his blood. Everyone would want a piece of him the public, the press, scientists, doctors, preachers and talk shows. He'd never be able to go back to Moulton Bay, never have the time or the privacy to write another book. Some might think it selfish, his refusal to help, and if he was a mere human, she might think so, too. But he was an alien, and she knew that he would be hounded the rest of his life if people found out who he was, what he was. And that, she thought ruefully, could be a long, long time. Not only that, but his freedom would be forever lost. He would spend the rest of his life in a cage, being examined, questioned, analyzed.

Selfishly, she realized that they would never have a life together if the world discovered his identity. And she wanted a future with Alex more than anything she had ever wanted in her life.

Right or wrong, selfish or not, she intended to have it.

They were driving on fumes and luck by the time they reached Moulton Bay. The clock on the dash put the time at nine-thirty.

She'd no sooner parked the truck in the garage than the engine sputtered and died. Opening the door, she slid from behind the wheel and followed Alex into the house.

Alex moved unerringly through the darkness until he heard her stumble. Cursing his thoughtlessness, he switched on a light.

"Are you all right?" he asked.

"Fine." Lips compressed, she rubbed her knee where she'd hit it against a table. "Want to kiss it and make it better?"

Her words were light, teasing, but he saw the hope in her eyes, heard the yearning in her voice.

With an effort, he hardened his heart against her. "I need a shower," he said. "I'll wait if you want to go first."

"No, you go ahead."

With a curt nod, he went up the stairs. Moments later, she heard the sound of water running.

For a moment, she thought of joining him, and then, with a sigh, she went into the kitchen. In his present mood, he had probably locked the door.

She fixed herself a cup of strong black coffee, sipped it slowly as she wondered how they'd locate Gail and Nana. Maybe one of the neighbors would know where they'd gone. And what about Barrett? Just thinking of him caused her to shiver with revulsion.

After rinsing the cup and putting it in the sink, she went through the house, making sure all the doors and windows were locked, wondering if it had been smart to come back here. It wouldn't take much effort for Barrett to find out where Alex lived.

She was wandering through the den when she felt Alexander's presence behind her. Slowly, she turned to face him. He was wearing a pair of faded Levi's and a black sweater. His feet were bare, his hair was still damp. He lookedbeautiful and sexy. And distant.

"Your turn," he said tonelessly. "I'll see you in the morning."

With a nod, she left the room and went upstairs.

She didn't know what was bothering him, but she intended to find out. Soon.

Alex watched Kara leave the room; then he sat down at his desk and stared at the computer. After a moment, he switched it on.

Calling up the file that contained his latest manuscript, he scanned the material from page one. The manuscript was far from finished, but he felt driven to work on the conclusion to the story, despite the fact that it was out of sequence.

He thought a moment, and then began to write.

I gazed at Melynda, knowing the time had come when there could be no more lies between us. I had courted her for over a year, never letting her know what I was, certain that the love in her eyes would turn to fear, or worse, to revulsion, when she knew I was not the man she thought I was, but I could wait no longer. Melynda had declared her love for me, and I, foolishly perhaps, had admitted I felt the same. Our kisses, innocently chaste at the beginning of our courtship, had grown more passionate, more intense, once our feelings were spoken aloud. The desire between us Copyright 2016 - 2024