Deeper than the Night - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,84

that night, Kara ran over the events of the day in her mind, wondering what she had said, what she had done, to make him angry. She had tried several times to make him talk to her, to tell her what was wrong, but he had replied, politely, that nothing was wrong, he was only tired.

He was lying.

She had checked his injuries, amazed to see that the wounds, so bloody and ugly the night before, had nearly healed.

She wanted him to take her in his arms, needed him to hold her, to assure her that everything would turn out for the best.

She hesitated a few moments more, and then she slid out of the sleeping bag and went to gaze out the window at the man who was causing her heart such pain.

He was standing near the lake's edge, his head thrown back, his arms spread wide, as he gazed up at the night sky. The moon's pale lightdanced across the face of the still water and bathed Alex in a shimmering silver haze.

He looked so beautiful, and so alone, it made her heart ache. Why wouldn't he confide in her? Didn't he know how deeply his silence was hurting her?

An owl hooted softly in the distance. Alex had told her that some tribes of Indians believed that the call of an owl near a lodge meant impending death. The sound drew his attention and as he turned toward it; Kara saw his face, saw the pain and loneliness in his expression.

Needing to touch him, to comfort him, needing his comfort in return, she ran out of the cabin, heedless of the fact that she wasn't dressed.

"Alex, I'm sorry." She threw her arms around him, burying her face in his shoulder. "Please forgive me."

Instinctively, his arms closed around her. "Forgive you?" Alex asked, startled by her apology. "What have you done?"

"I don't know." Her words were muffled against his shoulder. "Why have you shut me out? I feel so alone."

"Kara . . . natayah . . ." He stroked her back, his hands restless, his desire stirring at her nearness, at the silkiness of her flesh pressing so intimately against his. "Kara . . ."

"Don't send me away," she begged. "Don't shut me out."

Rising on tiptoe, she pressed her body against his. "I love you, Alex." She tilted her head back so she could see his face, and then she kissed him deeply, fervently.

And he was lost. Lost in the magic of her touch, the soul-deep love he had seen in her eyes.

With a helpless cry of surrender, he cradled her in his arms, carrying her gently to the ground, covering her face, her neck, her breasts, with hungry kisses. His hands slid over her slender frame. Her skin was smooth, silky, vibrant beneath his fingertips. She arched against him, low moans of pleasure rising in her throat,encouraging him, inflaming him, until he had no thought save to possess her, to show her with his hands and his lips that he loved her, only her, now and forever.

Her thighs parted eagerly to receive him, and then he was a part of her heart and soul and mind and body. Every thought, every breath, was hers.

Kara held him close, closer, until even the moonlight couldn't slip between them. Her fingers stroked the ridged flesh of his back, her fingernails following the faint pattern along his spine. She stroked him, she scratched him, and stroked him again. She cradled him within the deepest part of her, her heart pounding to the same frantic rhythm as his. She watched his face, entranced by the sheer beauty of him, by the passion blazing in his eyes.

She sobbed his name as waves of ecstacy shuddered through her, heard his answering cry as his life force filled her with warm liquid heat.

Locked together, they tumbled slowly back to earth.

Alex loosed a deep sigh. Never had he experienced anything so wonderful, not even with AnnaMara. Though he had loved his wife, he had not needed her as desperately as he needed Kara. And yet, mixed with the sense of wonder was a horrible sense of guilt.

What if Kara got pregnant? Barrett had told him this was the perfect time to impregnate her. The thought was staggering. As much as he yearned for a child born of their love, he was afraid to face the possibility, didn't want to consider the consequences that might result from the mating of ErAdonian and earthling.

Kara made a soft sound in her Copyright 2016 - 2024