Deeper than the Night - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,82

Might steady your nerves."

Kara took the bottle and stared at it. She'd never been much of a drinker, but she took several long swallows, felt the expensive liquor slide smoothly down her throat.

"Ready, doc?"

Kara nodded, and Alex lay back on the sleeping bag, his hands clenched. "Go on," he said. "Get it over with."

One more drink. A deep breath, and she was ready. She'd seen it done in living color in movies,' read about it, and still she wasn't prepared for the blood, the feel of the knife slipping into flesh. Once, Alex took hold of her hand, steadying her.

She gave a triumphant gasp when the tip of the knife hit the bullet. Moments later, the slug lay in her palm.

She looked at Alex, looked at the bloody chunk of lead in her hand, and knew she was going to faint.

Alex caught her before she hit the floor. Feeling a little light-headed himself, he covered Kara with the sleeping bag, then rose, unsteadily, to his feet.

Picking up a clean washrag, he doused it with rum, swore a violent oath as he pressed the cloth over the wound in his shoulder. He rigged a bandage by tearing a white cotton dish towel into strips.

Aware of the approaching dawn, he stretched out beside Kara and closed his eyes.

He woke abruptly, his gaze drawn to the bright light filtering through the thin curtain. He couldn't endure the sun, not now, not after all the blood he'd lost.

"Kara." He shook her shoulder. "Kara, wake up!"

"What's wrong?"

"The window. Cover it."

"What?" She blinked at him for a moment; then, as comprehension dawned, she scrambled out of the sleeping bag, picked it up, and draped it over the curtain rod. "Is that better?"

Alex nodded. "Thanks."

Crossing the room, she knelt beside him. The bandage on his shoulder was stained with blood. The material looked very white against his bronzed skin. "How do you feel?"

"I'll be all right."

"I know, but how do you feel?"


"You should eat something. And drink plenty of water."

"Yes, ma'am."

"I'm serious. You need to rebuild your strength. You rest, and I'll fix breakfast. French toast okay with you?"


"You saved my life again," she said softly.

"My pleasure."

She basked in the love shining in his eyes, wishing he wasn't hurt,that they could spend the day making love.

"Maybe tomorrow," Alex said, his voice low and husky, his eyes dark with promise.

Kara felt her cheeks grow hot. "You're reading my mind again."

His smile was slow and lazy and not the least bit guilty.

Kara's cheeks grew hotter. "I'd better fix breakfast."

He slept all that day, leaving Kara to wander around the small cabin. She found a blue-and-yellow sundress in a box next to the stove and put it on. It was a trifle large, but it beat running around naked.

Late in the afternoon, she went outside and sat in the sun. Head back, she gazed out at the lake, her mind wandering. Her first thoughts were for Gail and Nana. What had Barrett done with them? Were they home, waiting for her, or good Lord, what if they were locked up in the same building where she and Alex had been held? And what about Barrett? Was he looking for her even now? Had Alex killed Handeland? Was she ever going to have a normal life again? If she left the state and changed her name, would she be able to get on with her life?

She watched the sun set in a splash of orange and ocher. It was so peaceful here, she mused, so quiet, while her whole life was in constant turmoil. Once, after watching a James Bond movie, she had wished for a little excitement in her life. Well, she'd found it. In spades. She pressed a hand to her head, feeling a headache coming on.

And then she felt Alex's hand on her shoulder. He knelt behind her, his fingers massaging away the pain, his presence driving away her doubts. With a soft sigh, she closed her eyes and gave herself over to the wonder of his touch.

"Better?" he asked.

"Hmmm, yes. Alex, I've got to go home. I've got to find out what happened to Nana and Gail."

"They aren't there."

He came around to sit beside her and she studied his face. He looked better. The dark smudges were gone from his eyes, the lines of strain and weariness had almost disappeared.

"Do you know where they are?"

"I overheard Barrett ask Kelsey if they'd been found yet. I think they managed to get away. I'm sure they're safe."

Kara relaxed, her Copyright 2016 - 2024