Deeper than the Night - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,77

you mean? You're not going to. . . to...

Rape you? No. But if I don't do what he wants, he's threatened to kill you tomorrow morning.

He couldn't see her face, but he could almost feel the blood drain from her face. He means it, Kara.

She heard his voice, but couldn't focus. A baby. If she got pregnant, she'd have to stay here for nine months, and then Barrett would take the child. It was a reprieve of sorts, but at what cost? The thought of going through childbirth, then having her child taken away from her by a monster like Barrett, made death at the doctor's hands seem almost welcome.


I'm scared, Alex.

I know. Is there anything in your room that could be used as a weapon?

No. Not even a butter knife.

It was what he had expected, but he was disappointed just the same. It's okay. Try not to worry . . . .

You shouldtry to get some rest, Alex. You sound awful.

Kara . . . I love you.

I love you . . . .

He broke the connection, and she felt its loss keenly. It had been days since she had seen him. No matter what happened tomorrow, at least they would be together again tonight.

She clung to that thought as the hours passed. Tonight she would see Alex.

Kara's heart was pounding like a jackhammer as Handeland led her down a narrow hallway, up a short flight of stairs, and into the room with the skylight.

Her gaze darted around the room. The metal table was gone and a double bed stood in its place. Alex sat on the edge of the mattress, a sheet drawn over his lap. She stared at the heavy iron collar around his neck, at the thick chain fastened to the bed's iron frame. A similar collar and chain, fastened to an enormous bolt in the concrete floor next to the bed, circled his left ankle.

He looked up when she stepped into the room. The look in his eyes, the guilt, stabbed her to the heart.

I'm sorry, natayah,he said, speaking to her mind. Forgive me.

"Sorry there's no champagne and soft music," Barrett said. He took Kara by the arm and pulled her toward the bed. "But this is the best I could do on such short notice."

Kara jerked her arm from Barrett's grasp. "You're despicable. I can't believe you're a doctor." She shook her head. "Have you no conscience? You're supposed to help people, ease their suffering."

"My dear, if I can isolate the healing agent in this creature's blood, mankind will owe me a debt it can never repay."

"And you think the end" Kara gestured at Alex, at the chains that bound him "justifies the means?"

"Sometimes, in order to make advancements, people get hurt. History is filled with stories of people who sacrificed their lives for the good of others."

"The good of the many outweighing the needs of the few," Kara muttered, remembering a line from an old Star Trek movie.

"Exactly. And now I will bid you good night." Barrett fixed the alien with a sharp stare. "Don't fail me," he warned, and left the room.

There was the sound of a key turning in the lock. The lights in the room dimmed.

Kara went to kneel in front of Alexander. "Are you all right?" She touched the heavy collar at his throat as if it were a live snake. "How can you breathe with that thing on?"

"Breathing is the least of my worries," Alex replied wryly. Bending over, he lifted Kara onto his lap, his arms wrapping around her, holding her close until their hearts beat as one.

"Alex, what are we going to do?"

"Get the hell out of here."


"I'm going to try to spring the lock on these chains. And if that doesn't work, I'm going to kill Barrett when he comes back."

Kara blinked at him. "Spring the lock? Can you do that?"

"I hope so. It was cloudy today, not much sun. I slept all afternoon. With any luck, by midnight my strength will have returned enough so I can spring the locks telepathically."

"I love you, Alex. Whatever happens, I love you. You won't forget that, will you?"

He cupped her face in his hands. "I won't forget." He caressed her cheek with his knuckles, traced the curves of her face with his fingertips. Soft, so soft. She wore a plain white hospital gown; her hair fell over her shoulders, shimmering like a living flame in the faint light. She had never looked more beautiful.

Leaning forward, he covered her Copyright 2016 - 2024