Deeper than the Night - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,68

he won't want what's left."

Kara's scream rang in Alex's mind. Anguish and fear clawed at him, as real as if he were experiencing them himself. And then, into his mind flashed an image of Kara writhing in pain, her body streaked with blood.

Crying her name, he sprang out of bed, his mind opening, expanding, searching for her.

"Kara!" Her name was a sob on his lips. "Kara, where are you?"

Alexander. . .

His own name resounded in his mind, followed by a low moan, and then there was nothing.

But it was enough.

Moments later, he was in his car, Kara's anguished cries burning like a beacon in his heart and soul, leading him out of the city.

He drove steadily through the darkness, his every thought focused on Kara. He knew he was probably walking into a trap, but it couldn't be helped. He couldn't risk going to the police, didn't want Kara to be subjected to their questions. Even if they believed Barrett had kidnapped her, they would want to know why. If Barrett revealed what he knew about Kara's blood, there would be other doctors eager to take up where Barrett had left off. He couldn't subject her to that, couldn't take a chance that his own identity might be discovered. And yet, what if he couldn't save her? What if going to the police was the only way to save her?

He lifted his foot from the accelerator as doubts crowded his mind. And then her voice sounded in his mind again, erasing every other thought but the need to find her, to destroy the man who was causing her pain.

"Is everything ready?"

Kelsey nodded. "Stop worrying, Barrett, he won't get away."

"We've got to take him alive. He'll be no good to us dead."

Kelsey let out a sigh of exasperation. "You've told me that about ten times. I think I've got the message."

"Sorry," Barrett muttered. "It's just that I've never been this close to being rich before."

"You really think this guy's blood is going to pave our way to fame and fortune?"

"I'm counting on it."

Kelsey shook his head skeptically. "Aliens from outer space. I can't believe you fell for that crap."

"I believe her."

"Whatever." Kelsey went suddenly still, his head cocked to one side. "He's here."

"You know what to do. I'll be waiting."

With a curt nod, Kelsey drew his revolver as he hurried down the darkened hallway. He heard a faint clanking sound as the heavy iron outer door swung open, followed by the sound of footsteps as Claybourne entered the passageway.

The trap was set. Kelsey grunted softly as he heard the outer door slam shut behind the alien.

A dozen high-powered spotlights flooded the corridor with light.

Kelsey grinned as a net woven of thick nylon cord dropped over the alien. Handeland ran forward and grabbed the rope, securing the ends.

A roar of outrage rose in Alexander's throat. Blinded by the lights, he struggled to free himself from the net, but the harder he struggled, the more entangled he became.

And then he felt a sharp prick in his arm and the world went black.
Chapter Twenty
The sound of voices roused Kara from a drugged sleep. Her eyelids felt as if they were weighted with lead; her stomach roiled with a nausea that was becoming all too familiar.

With an effort, she opened her eyes, felt her last hope for rescue dwindle and die when she saw Alex lying on a narrow metal table beside her bed. In addition to the thick leather straps that bound his arms and legs to the table, there were iron bands strapped across his chest and waist so that he was virtually immobile.

She stared at his chest, but he didn't seem to be breathing. His skin looked pale; there were dark shadows under his eyes. Had they killed him?

Yearning to touch him, she tugged against the leather straps that bound her arms to the cot's frame, but the restraints held fast.

"Barrett!" She screamed the doctor's name. "I know you're here somewhere. Answer me!"

She heard the sound of footsteps in the corridor, and then Barrett filled her line of vision. "What do you want?" he asked irritably.

"Is he dead?"

He looked at her as if she were none too bright. "Of course not, only heavily sedated."

"What are you going to do with us?"

"I'm going to give youa transfusion of his blood, of course."

Kara closed her eyes, wondering if she would ever be free again. The last two days had been like a living nightmare from which she couldn't awaken. And now Alexander was part Copyright 2016 - 2024