Deeper than the Night - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,32

she wondered, did the water come from, and where did it go?

She tapped her finger on the counter. The water probably came from a spring. As for where it went . . . she stooped and opened the door under the sink. A pipe ran from the sink into a hole cut in the floor. Rising, she grunted softly. No doubt the water drained directly into the mountain. There were several shelves cut into the rock wall, which held a few cups and plates and some pots and pans.

Two steps carved from stone led down into a large sunken room. There was a fireplace in one corner. The vent went through the rock ceiling. Clever, she mused. No doubt it reappeared on top of the mountain where any telltale smoke would be diffused by the trees. A large oil lamp sat on a smooth-topped tree stump beside an oversized black leather sofa. Soft yellow light from the lamp filled the room.

There was a large oak bookcase along one wall. Every shelf was filled with books. What looked to be a bearskin was spread in front of the fireplace. A small round window offered a view similar to that in the bedroom.

Kara shook her head. Mountains that moved. Windows cut into solid rock. Glass that felt hard and soft at the same time. What next?


She stepped into the corridor and headed toward what she hoped was the entrance, only to meet Alexander coming toward her, the last of the groceries cradled in his arms.

"Here," she said, reaching for one of the cartons. "Let me help."

Her fingers brushed his as he handed her one of the boxes, and she felt a frisson of heat shoot up her arm. He felt it, too she knew it by the sudden awareness that flickered in his eyes. Face to face, neither speaking, they regarded each other for a long moment before Alexander stepped past her, headed for the kitchen.

They spent the next twenty minutes putting the groceries away. When the last can had been put on the shelf, Kara turned to face Alexander.

"It's later," she said.

Alexander sighed. "It's quite simple, really," he said. "I own the mountain. I built this place as a sort of retreat."

"Retreat? From what? World War Three?"

"Why not?"

Kara shook her head. "I don't buy it, Alex. Not for a minute."

"Believe me or not, Kara, it's your choice. But the truth is, I do own this mountain, and I did build this place."

Incredibly, she did believe him. She alsoknew he wasn't telling her the whole truth. "How does one install windows in a mountain? And what about that glass?"

"What about it?"

"I don't know, it feels . . . funny. And the light in the entrance to this place. Where does it come from?"

Alexander ran a hand through his hair. She was too smart, too curious, for her own good. And his.

Kara tapped her foot on the floor. "I'm still waiting for those answers."

"Modern technology, Kara. It's as simple as that. The glass is made to withstand stress. The light is recessed."

She stared at him for a long moment, and he knew she was considering his answers. "So, what do we do now?"

"Stay put, for a while at least. We've got enough food to last several weeks. There's plenty of water. Wood for a fire."

"Heat, food, and shelter," Kara said with a faint grin. "All that primal man needed to survive."

"It has served me well in the past."

She lifted one finely arched brow. "Is there a . .. a rest room?"

"A small one. It's the last door at the end of the passage. There's no bathtub or shower, I'm afraid. When you wish to wash, you can do so in the sink, or you can bathe in the hot spring located a short distance from here."

Kara sighed. She had never liked camping, and even though this wasn't a tent outdoors, it was still far too rustic for her taste.

"I'm sorry," Alexander said, observing her obvious dismay. "Hopefully, we won't have to stay here too long."


"It's late," he said. "You must be tired."

"Yes." She folded her arms, suddenly very much aware that she was alone in a cave with a man she hardly knew, a man whose dark eyes smoldered with desire. A man who was far too tempting for her peace of mind.

Drawing her gaze from his, she wished him a good night and went to her room. Inside, she took several deep breaths. She had to accept the fact that she might Copyright 2016 - 2024