Deeper than the Night - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,30

an even brown, as though he spent a great deal of time in the sun, yet she had never seen him in daylight . . . .

He couldn't be a vampire! It was ludicrous to even think such a thing. He was, however, very much a man. A very attractive and desirable man. The thought of being in bed with him when he woke up was something she didn't even want to consider.

Moving as carefully as possible, she eased over to her side of the mattress and sat up. Looking at her watch, she saw that it was almost four. She'd never slept so late in her life.

Grabbing her clothes from the chair, she went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Alex groaned softly as the bathroom door closed behind Kara. He had slept at her side through what had been left of the night and all day long, aware of every move she made. Several times, she had brushed against him; once, she had cuddled up to him. Not even the fact that he had slept in his jeans had kept his body from reacting to her nearness, to the brush of her thigh against his leg, the touch of her hand on his bare chest.

He had not been with a woman he cared for in more years than he cared to recall, and the need that had surged through him had been excruciating. It was not common for those of his kind to go so long without sexual gratification. Kara's nearness, added to the fact that he was becoming increasingly fond of her, had fueled his desire. The fact that she was beautiful, inside and out, and less than a breath away, had been sheer torture. A torment he could have easily escaped by sleeping on the chair, or on the floor, yet he had been powerless to resist the opportunity to be near her.

He felt his desire spring to life anew when he heard the shower. The thoughts and images running rampant through his mind shamed him, yet he could not help but imagine how she looked standing under the water . . . .

With an oath, he threw the covers aside and got out of bed. There was a carafe of hot water and some packets of instant coffee on the table in front of the window and he quickly made a cup, then drank it down, cursing softly as the hot liquid burned his tongue. Served him right, he thought irritably.

Pulling back the heavy curtains, he glanced outside. The sky was heavily overcast and promised rain before the day was out. He was standing at the window, staring out into the parking lot, when he heard the bathroom door open. Taking a deep breath, he counted to ten, then turned around.

"I'm sorry," Kara said, "I didn't mean to wake you."

"You didn't. There's coffee on the table."

Kara nodded, wondering why he seemed so tense.

"I'm going to take a shower, then we'll go. We'll get something to eat on the road."

"All right." She went to fix herself a cup of coffee, acutely conscious of Alex moving about behind her as he pulled clean clothes from the duffel bag he had packed the night before.

She heard the bathroom door shut, and she let out the breath she'd been holding.

It was close to six that evening when they left the motel. The tension between them seemed to grow as the night went on. After they left the motel, they had stopped at a roadside restaurant for dinner, and again at a strip mall so she could buy some clothes.

Since she had no money with her and didn't want to be indebted to Alex for more than was absolutely necessary, Kara had selected only a few essential items, but Alex had insisted she buy several dresses, as well as slacks and sweaters, shoes, socks, a nightgown, robe and slippers, as well as toiletries. She had promised to pay him back, but he had dismissed her offer with a wave of his hand.

"I don't need your money, Kara," he had said quietly.

The words What do you need? had risen in her throat, but she had choked them back, afraid of what his answer might be.
Chapter Ten
Kara stared out the window, watching the lights of the city grow faint as Alex drove the Porsche up the narrow mountain road.

"When do you think I can go back home?" she asked after a lengthy silence.

"When I think it's safe."

"When will that be?"

"I don't know, Copyright 2016 - 2024