Deeper than the Night - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,20

you've got to let me see her."

The nurse glanced up and down the hallway, then leaned forward and lowered her voice. "I shouldn't tell you this, but Miss Crawford's fine. She's just being kept overnight while they wait for the results of her tests. She was a little upset, and her doctor gave her a sedative to help hersleep."

"You're sure she's all right?"

"Yessir. I'm sure you'll be able to see her tomorrow."

"I can't wait until then."

"Well, you could wait here a while, if you like. I could let you know if I hear anything."

"Thank you."

She smiled up at him. "You're welcome, sir."

He sat down in one of the hard plastic chairs, aware that the nurse glanced repeatedly in his direction.

Too restless to sit still for long, he paced the hallway for a time, weighing the wisdom of trying to find Kara on his own.

On the pretext of going to the cafeteria, he walked through the hospital's quiet halls. A sign announced that the Isolation Ward was located on the fourth floor.

Taking the stairs, he walked up to the fourth floor, through the double doors marked ISOLATION UNIT. NO VISITORS BEYOND THIS POINT.

A guard sat at a small desk just inside the doors. He stood up as Alex entered the room. "I'm sorry, sir," he said, "No one's allowed in here without authorization."

Alex nodded. "Sorry, I guess I took a wrong turn." He took a deep breath, felt a surge of relief when he caught Kara's scent. She was here. Deeply asleep. "I'm looking for Intensive Care."

"It's on the fifth floor, sir."

"Thank you." For a moment, he considered trying to overpower the guard. But the man was well over six feet tall, and built like a Minnesota line backer. In the end, it seemed wiser to go home than risk causing a scene, at least for now. If they didn't release Kara in the morning, he'd figure out a way to get her the hell out of there.

Leaving the hospital, Alex drew in a deep breath. A glance at the sky told him dawn was fast approaching.

It was early morning when he reached home. He slammed the car door, then stalked out of the garage and into the house, wishing he'd followed his gut instinct and done whatever he had to do to bring Kara home.

He woke late that afternoon, instantly aware that someone had invaded the house. Rising, he pulled on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt, then padded, barefoot, down the stairs to the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?"

Gail whirled around, her eyes wide. "I've been waiting for you."

"How did you get in?"

"I . . . the back door was unlocked."

Alexander frowned. In his concern for Kara, and his need to rest and replenish his strength, he had apparently neglected to bolt the door.

Gail cleared her throat nervously. "I need your help."

He lifted one brow. "Indeed?"

"I'm worried about Kara."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"We went to see her this morning, but they said we couldn't, that there's something wrong with her and she has to stay for more tests. Nana said she wanted Kara to come home, but the nurse said the paper Nana signed authorized them to keep Kara as long as necessary. I'm afraid something's happened to her and they don't want to tell us."

Alex slammed his hand against the table. He'd known it all along, he thought angrily, known something wasn't right.

Seeing the dark look in his eyes, Gail squealed and backed away.

Alexander took a deep breath. Damn. He hadn't meant to frighten the girl. "Go on."

"That's all. Nana asked to see Dr. Barrett . .."

"Who's that?"

"He's the doctor who admitted Kara to the hospital. But they said he couldn't be reached. So Nana came home and called Dr. Peterson."

"He said he'd get in touch with Dr. Barrett and find out what was going on, only I don't believe him. I want to see my sister."

Gail tried to blink back her tears. She didn't want to cry in front of this man, didn't want him to think she was just some whiny kid. "What do you think's wrong with her?"

Alexander swore a very old, very vile oath. "I don't know, Gail, but I'll find out. I promise you that. Here," he said, offering her a paper towel, "dry your tears. Does your grandmother know you're here?"

"No. She's so upset, she's taken to her bed. Mrs. Zimmermann is staying with her." Gail blew her nose and wiped her eyes. "Do you really think you'll be able to find out Copyright 2016 - 2024