Deeper than the Night - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,17

could come by earlier on Wednesday night so we could spend more time together?"

"If you wish." He watched as her finger traced meaningless patterns on the back of his hand. His life had been like that, he thought, meaningless circles that started nowhere and went nowhere. Until now. "What will your grandmother say?"

"It doesn't matter. I picked up my car from the repair shop today, and I'll be moving back to my own apartment on Thursday. I'll give you my address when I get back."

Alexander nodded, although he already knew where she lived.

"You weren't born in this country, were you?"

"No. Why do you ask?"

"It's the way you talk. I mean, there's nothing wrong with the way you talk. Oh, I don't know how to explain it. It's just the way you turn a phrase sometimes."

Alexander smiled at her. How perceptive she was. English was not his first language, or even his second.

"Would you care to go out Thursday night?" he asked.

"Sure. Where shall we go?"

"Wherever you wish, Kara. A movie, perhaps?"

"I'd like that. I've been dying to see the new Mel Gibson flick."

"What time shall I pick you up?"


"Seven," he repeated solemnly. "I should go now. It's late."

"So soon?"

"I'm afraid so."

He clenched his fists, afraid to stay longer, afraid the yearning he felt for her would overcome his self-control. The bond they shared called to him, urging him to complete the ritual, to join his body to hers.

Leaning forward, his lips brushed hers in a quick kiss of farewell. "I shall call you at the motel tomorrow night. And don't worry. Everything will be all right."

"I wish . . ."

"What, Kara? What do you wish?"

"I wish you could take me." Except for picking up her car that morning, she hadn't driven since the accident. It was silly to be afraid, but she couldn't help feeling apprehensive.

"I wish I could, too. Unfortunately, I have an appointment tomorrow morning that I cannot break."

"I understand." It was like falling off a horse, she mused, and since Nana didn't drive, there was nothing to do but get back on, only in her case, it wasn't a horse but a dark green Camry.

"Good night, Kara."

"Good night."

He gazed into her eyes and wondered how she had managed to retain such innocence, such trust, in this day and age.

She was a modern woman. She lived alone. She had a job, and yet he sensed a vulnerability about her that set her apart. Perhaps it was that very trait that reminded him of AnnaMara.

Kara stared up at the doctor. His name was Dale Barrett. He was a tall, middle-aged man, with straight brown hair and pale brown eyes that did nothing to invite her trust. "I don't understand."

"I'm afraid we don't, either, Miss Crawford. There's an unusual antibody in your blood that we've never seen before. We want to do some extensive tests."

"More tests?" Kara shook her head. "No."

"Miss Crawford, surely you can see how important it is that we determine the origin of this antibody. At the moment, we don't know what its effects might be. We must determine if it's contagious. I don't want to alarm you, but there's every possibility that this antibody could prove fatal."

"Fatal! But how could that be? I feel fine."

"I understand your concern, Miss Crawford."

"Do you?"

"Of course. I've already made all the arrangements. Your room is waiting."

Kara jumped off the table. "Now, wait a minute. I haven't agreed to this."

"I'm afraid I must insist."

"Does Dr. Peterson know about this? Why isn't he here?"

"He'll be coming to see you as soon as you're settled." Barrett smiled reassuringly. "Dr. Peterson is a fine doctor, but he's only a general practitioner. He wanted to be sure you got the best of care, and that's why he called me in as a consultant. My field of expertise is hematology."

Panic rose up in Kara as two men wearing white lab coats and masks entered the examining room. "I want to talk to my grandmother."

"All in good time." Dr. Barrett pulled a syringe from his coat pocket.

Kara took a step backward. "What's that for?"

"Nothing to be alarmed about."

"What is it?"

"Just something to help you relax."

"I don't want it."

"I'm afraid you're on the verge of hysteria, Miss Crawford. This will calmyou." Barrett nodded at the two white-coated men.

"No!" She screamed the word as the two men took hold of her, flinched as she felt the prick of the needle in her arm. "No, please . . ."

She stared up at the doctor, her vision blurring. This couldn't be Copyright 2016 - 2024