Deeper than the Night - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,111

arms around his neck and drew him down until his body covered hers. "Kiss me, my prince. Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me!"

"Your wish is my command, princess," he replied, and slanting his mouth over hers, he kissed her with all the love and passion in his soul, kissed her until her toes curled and her heart sang a new song. Kissed her so she would never doubt his love, or his devotion.

He worshipped her silently with his hands and his lips, stoking the fires of desire, until she drew him inside her, surrounding him with velvet heat. And two became one, and that one soared upward, reaching for the heavens.

Kara sobbed his name as heat flowed through her, bathing her in a warm glow, like sunshine on a summer day.

And for the first time in more thantwo hundred years, Alexander Claybourne welcomed the sun, felt its heat explode within him as he cried Kara's name, his body convulsing with pleasure.

Locked in each other's arms, they fell asleep. Hearts and minds melded, they slept peacefully sharing each other's dreams.
Chapter Thirty-one
They heard the news on the radio the following night. A young man, identified as Mitch Hamblin, had been found dead in an alley behind the Eagle Flats Bank. The apparent motive was listed as robbery.

Kara stared at Alex, her heart pounding. "You don't think . . . ?"

Alex nodded. "Barrett."


"He must have followed Hamblin."

Kara sat back in her chair. It was never going to end, she thought bleakly.

Alex crossed the room and placed his hand on her shoulder. "It will end, Kara. Soon."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm going after him. Tonight."


"We can't go on like this. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of hiding, tired of being hunted. One way or another, it ends tonight."

"How are you going to find him?"

"He must have followed Mitch hoping the kid would lead him to me. I'm guessing Barrett's still in town. And if he is, I'll find him."

"And then what?"

His silence was all the answer she needed.

"Alex, you don't have to do this. We can leave the state, change our names, relocate somewhere else."

He shook his head, and even though he didn't say anything, she knew what was in his mind. There was a child to think of now, and he wanted the trouble with Barrett over before their child was born. She knew why, knew he was afraid that Barrett would find them, that he might find a way to get hold of their child . . .

She refused to think of what that might mean. She knew what Barrett was capable of, knew the greed that drove him, the lust for fame and glory.

"I'll be back as soon as I can."

"I'm going with you."



"Dammit, Kara, you're pregnant!"


He stared at her in exasperation. "I don't want to put your life, or . . . or my child's life, in danger."

"I'll feel safer with you than staying here alone."

Alex shook his head. "There's no way Barrett can get in here once the door is sealed."

"You can take me with you, or I'll walk down the damn mountain, but I'm not staying here alone."

"Stubborn," Alex muttered. "More stubborn than an ErAdonian mud-dog."

"I heard that," Kara said, "and I don't think it was a compliment."

Alex glared at her, and then he laughed. "And prettier than a Glantan wildflower, even when she's angry." Taking her by the hand, he drew her to him, enfolding her in his arms. "All right," he agreed, hating to lie to her, yet knowing it was for her own good, "you can go."

Kara smiled smugly. "I knew you'd see things my way."

"I don't think I've had my own way since I met you."

"Are you complaining, Mr. Claybourne?"

"No, ma'am. Just stating a fact."

"You can have your way next week."


"Unless I change my mind. It's a woman's prerogative, you know."

He hugged her close, his lips moving in her hair as he drew in her scent. Sweet, so sweet, this beautiful, stubborn woman who was now his wife.

So sweet, he would not, could not, put her life in jeopardy.

Swinging her into his arms, he carried her into the bedroom.

"What are you doing?" Kara exclaimed.

"I'm going to make love to you."

"Now? I thought we were going after Barrett."

"All in good time."

She started to question him further, but his lips swooped down on hers, warm and hungry, driving all thought of Barrett from her mind.

He made love to her with a fierce intensity, every touch branding her as his, every kiss filled with hope, Copyright 2016 - 2024