Deeper than the Night - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,100

with his scent.

"I'll find you," she whispered. "Somehow I'll find you."

Alex woke with a start, Kara's name on his lips. It must have been a dream, he thought, and yet . . . He sat up and summoned her image to mind. Kara. Rich russet-colored hair. Dreamy blue eyes. Skin as soft as a sigh. Kara . . .

He closed his eyes and knew, knew, she was in his house, thinking of him.

He tried to reach out to her, to warn her away, but the distance between them was too great. Perhaps, if the sun hadn't been directly overhead, if he'd been able to concentrate, he would have been able to reach her. But not now, not with the sun blinding him, burning him.

It was dusk when he woke again.

Hearing Barrett's footsteps outside the door, he sat up, his body tensing.

Barrett entered, followed by Hamblin and Jarvis. He pulled a syringe from his lab coat. "We'll need some blood," he said.


"No? No? It would be to your advantage to do as you're told."

"Really? Why? What are you going to do to me if I refuse?"

A cold smile twisted Barrett's lips. "Jarvis was a friend of Kelsey's. He'd love to have a crack at you."

"Let him take his best shot."

"Hamblin. Jarvis. Hold him down."

Alex knew it was useless, foolish, to resist, but he lashed out with his feet as Hamblin and Jarvis reached for him. Jarvis grunted with pain as Alex's foot caught him in the groin.

Jarvis stumbled backward and Hamblin and Barrett surged forward, their weight bearing him down, holding him immobile while Barrett drew enough blood to fill a small vial.

"Hamblin, take this to the lab. Jarvis, go call our man in Hollywood and tell him I'll have the results on this batch in a few hours. Tell him if he's still interested, the price just went up five thousand dollars."

"Right, boss."

"It's all a matter of money now, isn't it?" Alex said. Sitting up, be braced his back against the wall and stared at Barrett.

"You don't have enough blood to heal the whole world," Barrett replied. "Research costs money. Selling your blood is going to pay for it."


"You doubt me?"

"I think you're lying to yourself. This isn't about helping mankind anymore. It's about you."

"That's not true!"

"Isn't it?" Alex asked contemptuously. "What kind of man keeps another chained to a bed while he steals his blood?"

"But you're not a man," Barrett retorted with a smirk. "You're an alien who's about to do mankind a tremendous favor."

"And if you get rich in the bargain, so much the better."

Barrett shrugged. "Ill be most generous with the vaccine once the formula is established and I've made the medical journals," he said. He smiled as he imagined the accolades he would garner from his colleagues, the speaking engagements, the papers he would publish. In due time, when interest in the vaccine was flagging, he would donate the vaccine to some needy child, thereby reawakening interest in his work.

"You're no better than a vampire, Barrett, living off the blood of others, sucking my blood to keep your dream alive."

"Shut your mouth!"

"Why? Can't stand to hear the truth?"

A sharp rap on the door cut off Barrett's reply. A moment later, Hamblin stepped into the room. "Franklin's on the phone, Doc. He says you were supposed to meet him thirty minutes ago."

Barrett swore under his breath. "I forgot all about it. Keep an eye on him," Barrett snapped, jerking his chin in Alex's direction. "I'll be back late."

With a last baleful glance at Alex, Barrett stalked out of the room, muttering under his breath.

"My offer still stands," Alex said. "A hundred thousand to let me go."

Mitch stared at Alex, his expression thoughtful as he straddled the chair located across from the cot. He'd opened a savings account with the first check. It gave him a sense of security, knowing he had a tidy sum to fall back on if Barrett's get-rich quick scheme fell through. And now he had a chance to get another hundred thousand . . . .

He shook his head. "I can't. Barrett would "

"I'll take care of Barrett."

"And Jarvis?"

"If I have to. Just turn me loose. Then take the cover off the skylight, prop it open, and get out of here."

"I don't know . . ."

"You seem like a pretty decent kid. How'd you get mixed up with Barrett?"

"None of your business."

"You planning to take Kelsey's place? Do Barrett's killing for him?"

"No. He's paying me to be his bodyguard, that's all."

''That's all?"

"That's all."

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