Decker's Daughter - Caroline Lee Page 0,6

There was open and frank appreciation in his lovely green eyes.

Was he…was he talking about her?

Unsure how to respond, Bobbi felt herself stammering a bit. “I— Yes. Well, she’s headstrong. And creative.”

“And sweet.”

He was smiling when he turned back to look at the girl on the pony. Jim was leading CJ near their side of the corral, and Deck lifted two fingers to wave to her. Bobbi joined him more enthusiastically, and was pleased when CJ’s face lit up, but she didn’t drop the reins to wave back.

“Look at me, Mama!” she called. “I’m doing it!”

“I see you, honey! Good job!”

Bobbi pulled her phone from her cross-body purse and snapped a few photos, and CJ sat straighter in the saddle.

“You and your husband must be real proud of her,” Deck said, a little too nonchalantly.

Bobbi froze. Every time she met someone new, it seemed as though they had to have this conversation. And she dreaded it.

Without looking at him, she shrugged. “I’m not married.”

She felt his gaze on her, but didn’t turn to check.

“You’re not married,” he repeated, not quite asking a question.

“She’s not married!” CJ called out helpfully from the corral. “Doesn’t have a boyfriend either!”

And when Jim started chuckling, Bobbi wondered if she could melt from embarrassment.

Was her own daughter trying to play matchmaker?

She heard a little noise beside her and glanced over to find Decker’s lips pressed together in a tight line. He had a trimmed beard, which looked like a few days’ worth of whiskers. But through it, she could see his dimples.

He was definitely trying not to laugh.

She lifted a brow. “You got something to say, Mr. Decker Cauldron?”

Well, that shut him up. He swallowed and straightened away from the fence. “Yes, ma’am, I do.”

“Fine then.” Let him judge her all he wanted. She straightened as well. “And quit calling me ma’am. That was my mother.”

His nod was quick and respectful. “CJ told me you lost her recently. I’m sorry.”

Well, I hadn’t expected him to say that.

Bobbi peered suspiciously at him, wondering what else he was going to say.

Lifting one hand, Decker rubbed the back of his neck, in a gesture which made him look even cuter somehow. Then he took a deep breath and met her eyes.

“I know we just met one another, Bobbi, but I have to admit I’m mighty attracted to you. Not just because you’re a fine-looking woman, no ma’am. I mean…” He shook his head, a bashful smile coming to his lips. “I’d like the chance to get to know you better.”

He was…asking her out?

Her eyes widened. “I thought—expected—” She bit off her words and shook her head again, a rueful smile coming to her own lips. “I didn’t expect you to say that. Are you asking me out?”

“Please?” Then he chuckled. “That sounded pitiful, but still. I know you’re likely real busy, but would you be interested in having dinner sometime? With me? It doesn’t have to be fancy, but…” He shrugged. “I’d like to get to know you.”

Get to know you.

That could mean a lot of things.

Bobbi raked her eyes over him as she considered. He was a lot of fun. And gorgeous, with those big, callused hands and broad shoulders. Of course, Curtis had been all those things too. Decker is likely as much of a player as her ex had been only interested in a good time.

Well, maybe it’s time I had a good time too.

She could be careful. As long as she didn’t get too involved, and stopped before things got too serious, she could afford to have a little fun, couldn’t she?

“I’m having so much fun, Mama!”

Bobbi’s gaze darted to the corral, where CJ was beaming from atop that little horse. Bobbi waved distractedly as Jim brought her daughter on another loop close to where she stood.

“I’m glad, baby,” she managed, still considering Deck’s offer.

CJ bounced a little in the saddle. “You should have fun too, Mama!”

Jim turned his head to hide his smile, and Bobbi’s eyes widened.

Her six-year-old was playing matchmaker, wasn’t she?

“Go out with me, Bobbi,” Deck urged in a quiet murmur.

When she looked over at him, he seemed earnest.

“I promise I’ll be a gentleman. You don’t have to worry about that.”

Strangely, she wasn’t worried about him. She was worried about herself, and what she could afford, with CJ a part of her life. And all her other responsibilities.

But her daughter and her subconscious were right. She did deserve to have some fun every once in a while. Her friend Laura owed Copyright 2016 - 2024