Decker's Daughter - Caroline Lee Page 0,3

both females to turn to him, the older one with a suspicious brow raised.

“This is Decker, Mama. He saved me.”

Unless he was mistaken, there was an appreciative gleam in her eyes as her gaze swept him, but she just nodded, before glancing back at her daughter. “Saved you, did he?”

CJ nodded happily. “But he didn’t have any pretty Band-Aids.”

Oh, that’s right.

Deck winced, remembering his plan. “No, but let’s see what I can do,” he said, reaching for the marker he’d been using to mark cuts earlier.

As he stepped forward, CJ’s mother moved to one side, still holding the girl’s hands. As he bent over the little set of knees, he inhaled, her clean cottony scent a nice change from his life of leather and sawdust and horse.

On one Band-Aid—carefully not to press down too hard—he quickly sketched out a mermaid. “There, that’s my favorite princess. Who’s yours?” he asked CJ, as he switched to her other knee.

“Spiderman,” came the prompt reply.

Well, that surprised him enough to straighten and glance at the little girl. But she was looking earnest, so he darted a look at her mother. The woman nodded with a little shrug, and Deck grinned.

Bending back over CJ’s knee, he drew a fairly credible rendition of Spiderman on the bandage.

“Look, Mama! He drew him upside down so I can see him better!” CJ was obviously thrilled with his efforts.

“I can see that, baby.”

But the woman wasn’t looking at her daughter. She hadn’t taken her gaze off Deck, and the intensity in her light brown eyes invoked a fierce longing to rise within him.

She’s someone’s wife and mother, idiot.

“Thank you, Mr. Deck,” she finally offered in a quiet voice.

“Oh, don’t—” He stumbled over his explanation and shoved the marker in his pocket. “No, I’m just Deck. Decker Cauldron, ma’am,” he offered with a wince, knowing he was making a hash out of things.

But when he thrust his hand out, she took it, and the zing of electricity which shot up his arm surprised him.

That, and the fact she didn’t try to lick her fingers.

Wouldn’t mind if she licked my fingers though.

He told his libido to shut up and sit down, but it didn’t quite work.

“I’m Bobbi Diamon,” she offered in that same quiet voice, and he found himself exhaling and feeling more relaxed.

She was a calm, lovely woman, and if Deck didn’t let go of her soon, her husband was going to hunt him down and punch him, he was certain.

So he forced his fingers to unclench and let her go. “Mrs. Diamon, nice to meet you.”

“Bobbi, please.”

When he nodded mutely, she offered him a small smile, and Deck felt as if the Heavens had opened up.

“Well, thank you for taking care of CJ, Decker. It was kind of you. I know what kind of trouble she can be—”

“Oh, she was no trouble,” he hastened to assure her.

“I was no trouble, Mama,” CJ repeated innocently.

Her mother sent her a mock glare. “All the same, we should be out of Mr. Cauldron’s hair.”

And as Bobbi reached for her daughter, intent on helping her off the table, Deck realized she was going to walk out of his life, probably forever.

Think! Think!

Chapter 2

It was almost a shame to walk away from a man as nice to look at as Decker Cauldron, but Bobbi forced herself to focus on her daughter.

He could be married, she reminded herself, nestling CJ against her chest, as the little girl wrapped her legs around her waist. She lifted her baby, and turned back to the handsome man, who was staring at them with his mouth open.

“Thanks again, Decker,” she said, feeling a little awkward calling him by his first name.

But then again, anyone whose hand felt as good in hers as his had couldn’t be a complete stranger. She’d shaken hands with plenty of people in her life, and not one of them had caused that little electric zing she’d felt go up her arm when she’d touched him.

With CJ wrapped around her—a position neither of them had quite outgrown—Bobbi turned toward one of the big open double doors which let in sunshine and a gentle breeze. This place was a comfortable room, but they’d intruded too long as it was.

“Wait!” he blurted, and Bobbi stopped so suddenly, she might’ve had nails in the soles of her shoes.

He was now standing between her and the door, and was looking a little…frantic?

He really didn’t want them to leave, huh?

Even CJ lifted her little head from Bobbi’s shoulder to peer Copyright 2016 - 2024