Decker's Daughter - Caroline Lee Page 0,14

whisper was rough in return. “By dating—you or anyone—I risk hurting her. It’s bad enough for the couple when a relationship doesn’t work out, but I can’t afford to have her heart broken too.”

Once was bad enough. For both of us.

He didn’t respond, but his hand found its way to her neck, and his thumb began to draw small circles on her bare skin.

It felt so good, so decadent, she dropped her forehead forward, just a bit, and tried to ignore the feeling of guilt which came with enjoying herself.

The longer he went without responding, the more she tried to guess what was going on in his mind.

The fact he was still holding her, still caressing her, told her he wasn’t contemplating ways to ditch her and run from their date…yet anyway.

But the fact he hadn’t immediately reassured her everything would be fine, was also telling.

It meant he was actually thinking about her words.

Finally, he blew out a breath, which sounded full of frustration to her.

“I get what you’re saying. I can’t imagine how hard it must be to be a parent, much less having to worry about how every one of your actions and decisions could affect her.”

Her eyes met his. “That’s pretty much the definition of parenting.” One corner of her lips curled wryly. “But I think you’d be great at it—being a parent that is. You seem to be really good with kids.”

“Thanks. I’ve always wanted a busload of them.”

She was almost certain his statement had been a joke, but the quiet confession reached into her stomach and tugged gently, causing a warmth in her lady bits she hadn’t expected.

His thumb was still making little circles on her skin, causing her to shudder deliciously, as he held her gaze.

“I know you only just met me, Bobbi Rae, but please understand I would never purposefully do anything to hurt you or CJ.”

Thankfully, she was able to answer him with certainty. “I believe you. I think you’re a good man.”

The kind of man I could fall in love with.

She wasn’t sure where that thought had come from, considering they were only on their first date. But the realization she couldn’t allow herself to fall in love with him darn near broke her heart.

Maybe he saw the sadness in her eyes, because he made a sound somewhere between a gasp and a tut, as his hand rose to cup her cheek once more.

“Bobbi Rae, please don’t look like that. I promise—”

He bit down on whatever he’d been about to say, and she appreciated he refused to make wild promises.

He swallowed and tried again. “I like you. And I like CJ. I’d be tickled to spend more time with both of you, if you’d allow it. We don’t have to call it a date. Maybe just… I dunno.” When he shrugged, he didn’t drop her gaze. “How about a picnic? Just the three of us? We could go fishing.”

Her first instinct was to say no. She couldn’t afford to let CJ fall in love with Decker, any more than she herself could.

Because when he inevitably lost interest and ran off with some other woman, she’d be the one left to dry CJ’s tears along with her own.



Nibbling on her lip, she considered Decker’s offer. CJ had loved being on the ranch, and the good Lord knew Bobbi didn’t have the money to pamper her daughter the way she wanted to. Even on her days off, her time with her daughter was limited to trips to the park or playing soccer together.

A fishing trip would thrill CJ, that was for sure. But Bobbi couldn’t let her daughter think there was anything more to the offer.

“Just as friends? We can’t let CJ think it’s a date or anything.”

Something, which looked a lot like hope, flared in Decker’s eyes, but he nodded solemnly. “We can call it whatever you want. A picnic with friends. I don’t want CJ to be hurt any more than you do.”

“If things don’t work out between us, you mean?”

He opened his mouth—though it didn’t look as if he were about to agree with her—but then shut it again slowly.

What was he thinking?

Slowly, he shook his head and sighed. “Whatever we tell her, Bobbi Rae, you better understand that I’m not the kind of guy to mess around. I’m not planning on playing with either of you—or your hearts.”

It was a sweet line, but could she believe him?

“And I might not be a father, but I know enough to know Copyright 2016 - 2024