Deception Deception (Dark Desires Origins #2) - Nina Croft Page 0,97

arm raised, the blade aiming for Destiny’s heart.

She put up her arms to protect herself, shock slowing her down.

At the last moment she kicked out, catching Dr. Yang in the stomach, but she didn’t seem to even feel the blow. She backed away. And Dr. Yang kept coming. Destiny warded her off with her arms, but she seemed to possess inhuman strength. The tip of the blade touched her just above her heart, and she went still.


Then behind her, the door flew open, and two men rushed in. They grabbed Dr. Yang from behind and ripped her away. She screamed as she was dragged backward, fury possessing her, her eyes wild.

Destiny rubbed at her chest. The tip of the knife had drawn blood and she stared at her hand.

She’d accepted that Dr. Yang didn’t love her, but this? It was beyond reason. She shook her head. They had the doctor cuffed now and she was hanging from the guards’ hold, sobbing.

A third man entered the cell, and Destiny recognized Silas. He wasn’t smiling. “It’s time to go,” he said. He wouldn’t look her in the face, and a sick feeling roiled in her stomach.

“Go where?”

“It doesn’t matter. Turn around.”


“Don’t ask questions, Destiny. Do as you’re told, and this will go easier.”

She didn’t want to do as she was told. She wanted to know what was happening. She wanted to know why Dr. Yang had tried to kill her and why Silas wouldn’t look her in the eyes.

“Turn around,” he snapped.

“Please tell me what’s happening.”

“Why don’t you tell her, Silas?”

Destiny glanced around as Dr. Yang spoke. Her words dripped with venom, but as she opened her mouth to say more, one of the guards shoved a gag into it, and she just glared her hatred.

Silas grabbed her hands and pulled them behind her back, and Destiny felt the cool metal of cuffs against her wrists. She wanted to fight, but she’d already spotted two more guards outside the door. No way could she win this. She had no choice but to go where they took her.

And she didn’t want to.

She was scared. Fear was like a live thing writhing inside her. She wanted Milo with a desperation she hadn’t believed possible. Just to see his beautiful face one more time.

She clamped her lips together to stop herself from begging, because she knew it would have no more effect now than it had with Dr. Yang. Silas clearly wasn’t happy with what he was doing, but she had no doubt he would see it through and nothing she could say would deter him. Kinross had too strong of a hold on all of them.

Silas took hold of her elbow and guided her out of the cell. She glanced back over her shoulder and caught Dr. Yang’s gaze. The anger had faded to be replaced by sadness and despair.

Then Destiny was led away. She’d wanted out of that cell so badly, but now she would do anything to be locked up safe inside.

Silas led her along the corridor, then up the stairs and across the hallway to a set of metal doors. He pressed his palm to the panel, and they slid open to reveal a small metal room. He ushered her inside, the guards following, and the door slid closed. Then they were rising. They were in an elevator.

It only took a few seconds, and then it stopped and the doors opened. In front of them was another set of double doors with a sign on the door. Medical center.

That couldn’t be so bad, could it? They were maybe going to do some tests on her. Dr. Yang had done a lot of tests. Some unpleasant, but none had done her any harm. The only problem was she didn’t believe it. Because the world was going crazy. Dr. Yang had tried to kill her, and Silas wouldn’t look at her or talk to her or tell her anything.

She stood still; her feet locked in place until someone pushed her from behind. She was going through those doors one way or another. She held her head up high and cast Silas a look of scorn.

The doors led into a corridor, they passed other doors but continued on until they reached the end and a final door. Silas rapped on the metal and it opened from the inside.

A dark-skinned man stood there in pale blue medical scrubs, a mask on his face.

Silas was unlocking the cuffs from one wrist. He refastened them in front Copyright 2016 - 2024