Deception Deception (Dark Desires Origins #2) - Nina Croft Page 0,90

edged closer. He touched her arm. “Thank you,” he said. “If we can get you back, we will.”

She forced a smile, her eyes pricking, but she was aware he had bigger responsibilities than her. He’d told her a little about his pack through the hours they had waited for this meeting. How fabulous to be part of something like that. Though she suspected she had spent too much time alone to ever be truly comfortable in a group. She was more of a loner. Like Milo.

After what seemed like an age, they appeared. She held herself very still. Dr Yang was leading the way, Silas beside her. And behind them, two men in green jumpsuits half carried, half dragged an unconscious figure between them.

Dylan stiffened beside her and she could sense the menace pulsing from his body. She stared at Milo, hunting for some sign of life. Fear flashed through her, and she took an involuntary step forward. Dylan stopped her with a hand on her arm. “He’s alive,” he said. “Just unconscious. Maybe it’s better this way.”

But she’d wanted to say goodbye.

The guards released their hold and Milo collapsed to the forest floor, face down. Both guards drew their weapons and aimed them at her and Dylan.

“Take them both,” Silas said. “You two—hands in the air.”

Destiny searched his face for some sign of the friendly man she had met only days ago, but his expression was blank. This was the final betrayal. They couldn’t even keep to their word. The proof that they had no honor. Hatred coiled tighter inside her.

She turned her attention to Dr. Yang. “You promised you would let them go.”

Dr. Yang gave a helpless shrug. “It’s not up to me, Destiny. I’m sorry. But they’ll be all right.”

She cast the other woman a look of disbelief. “You tortured him.”

Dr. Yang turned away. No help there. Not even a protestation of love. But in a way, she knew Dr. Yang had done this for love. Just not love of Destiny.

“Hands up,” Silas said again.

She glanced at Dylan. He smiled. “Time to do your thing, Destiny.”

She tightened her hand around the grenade as she slipped it from her pocket and pulled the pin, keeping it in place with her finger. She held her hand up in front of her, saw the moment Silas recognized what she held in her fist.

“You won’t do it,” he said. “We’ll all die. Including your friends.”

She studied him; he stood on the balls of his feet, ready to jump for her if she showed any sign of weakness. “They’ll likely die anyway. I saw what you did to Milo.” She kept her voice firm, although she was shaking inside. If she couldn’t pull this off, then Milo would die and likely Dylan as well. She turned to Dr. Yang, stared into her dark eyes. “Sometimes you have to be willing to make sacrifices for the ones you love. I’ll do it.”

Dr. Yang stared back at her, then gave a small nod. “She will. Let them go. It’s Destiny we need.”

For a moment Destiny thought Silas would ignore the order, then he also gave a nod. “Stand down,” he murmured to the two guards and they lowered their weapons.

Some of the tension oozed out of her, but she held herself upright, her gaze never wavering. She had to stay strong for a few more minutes to give Dylan time to get Milo away.

The guards holstered their weapons and Dylan left her side and crossed the clearing to where Milo lay unmoving. He hunkered down and then reached out with his hand and checked his pulse. He looked up at Destiny and nodded. She tightened her lips as her eyes pricked. If he was alive and safe, she could put up with anything.

“Tell him…” She shook her head. What was she supposed to say? She forced a smile. “Tell him good luck. And you, too.”

“Stay strong, Destiny.” But she didn’t feel strong. She felt weak and pathetic. She watched as Dylan hauled Milo over his shoulder and disappeared into the forest without looking back.

She locked gazes with Silas, lifting the grenade a little higher. “Don’t move,” she said.

They needed five minutes to get away. Five times sixty seconds. She counted in her head.

Were they safe?

Somewhere deep in the forest, a wolf howled. That was the signal they’d agreed upon. Once he had Milo to safety.

Silas glanced up at the sound, his eyes narrowing on her. She kept her expression blank as she dropped her Copyright 2016 - 2024