Deception Deception (Dark Desires Origins #2) - Nina Croft Page 0,81

to stand by those beliefs.

He came to a halt in front of her, hands shoved into his pockets, his T-shirt molding the hard muscles of his chest.

She wanted him.

He opened his mouth to speak, but she gave a small shake of her head and his eyes narrowed. She rose to her feet, grabbed the hem of her tank top, and pulled it over her head. His nostrils flared and his eyelids drooped, the tell-tale signs that she had his attention. All the same, she wasn’t giving him a chance to come to his senses. Kicking off her boots, she wriggled out of her pants to stand in front of him naked.


He took a step toward her. Then, gripping her shoulders, he spun her around, urging her forward until her thighs hit the edge of the console in front of her and her hands reached out to balance herself. His arms wrapped around her, palms cupping her breasts, squeezing almost roughly, so her nipples hardened, and heat flooded her core.

She pressed her bottom back against him, and he ground into her so she could feel the hard length of his erection through his pants. His mouth nuzzled at the soft spot where her shoulder met her throat and tingles shot along her nerves, then he bit down hard, and her head went back. He bent her forward so her lower arms rested on the smooth metal surface; her bottom pushed out. She closed her eyes, the anticipation building. For a moment he moved away, and panic filled her, then in the silence she heard the rasp of his zipper. His foot came out and he pushed her legs apart. A hard palm slapped her backside, and she yelped and made to turn, but he held her in place with one hand splayed across her belly. Then he pushed inside with one hard thrust, filling her so she would have been forced forward if he hadn’t held her tight.

He was so big, the sensation bordered on pain, then he moved slowly, and pleasure shot through her. She pressed back against him, and he must have taken that as a go-ahead, because then he was moving fast, pulling out and then shoving back in, hard and fast. The hand on her belly moved lower, questing between her thighs, fingers sliding between the folds of her sex, finding the small bundle of nerves so she gasped and widened her legs. He rubbed in circles while his cock hammered her from behind. The sensations were almost too much and her hands scrabbled to hold on, gripping the console in front of her, as he slammed into her until she lost conscious thought of everything but the feel of him, every atom focused on the point where their bodies met. Inside her, the tension was building and building. She recognized the feeling now and reached for it, desperately craving the release from the almost unbearable pressure. He pinched her clit, then circled and pinched again. The tension snapped and she exploded, her spine arching. She threw back her head and screamed as his hands grasped her hips, pumping into her hard and fast, until he came inside her, and still he couldn’t seem to stop, tipping her over the edge yet again.

He went still, behind her. “What the hell…?” he said, pulling away.

She didn’t want him to go, and she pressed back against him, then blinked open her eyes. Right in front of her was the red button. It took a moment for her sex-fogged brain to realize what was happening. She must have pressed it by mistake, and now the ship was rising. She shook her head and reached out and slammed her palm on the button and they dropped. As they hit the ground, Milo lost his footing. He still had hold of her, and he dragged her with him as they crashed to the floor. She landed on top of him, the air leaving her lungs in a whoosh.

His body was shaking beneath her and it took her a moment to realize he was laughing. And then she was laughing as well. She wriggled so she was still on top of him but facing him now and she could look down into his face. She’d never seen him laugh, and the harsh lines of his face were smoothed out. The laughter died but lingered in his silver eyes. “That was…out of this world.”

“Is it always like that?” she asked.

“Sweetheart, it’s never like that.”

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