Deception Deception (Dark Desires Origins #2) - Nina Croft Page 0,66

muffin. They would need to find an alternative source of food from somewhere soon, if the shuttle wasn’t available.

His stomach rumbled and he grabbed a bread roll and started eating. It was slightly stale. He glanced up and caught her gaze as her tongue flicked out to lick a crumb from her lips. He had a vivid memory of those lips around his dick last night and he shifted in his chair.

“Have you two been working up an appetite?” Dylan asked.

Milo was quite aware that Dylan had seen them in the forest. Without any clothes on, so he didn’t bother answering.

Dylan grinned, then pulled a bottle out of his bag. “We have to get onto the shuttle,” he said. “This is the last bottle I have with me.”

“Probably Silas and his men are drinking it right now.”

A shudder ran through the werewolf. “Don’t say that.”

He took a swallow and passed it to Destiny; she took a big gulp and handed it to him. Milo relaxed back in his chair. No one had said this was going to be easy. Time to break the good news to Dylan. “Kinross has enough nuclear weapons to take out a planet,” he said.

Dylan raised a brow. “Well, that’s not good news. But nothing we weren’t expecting. He had to have something to back up his plan.”

“Right. But shit, nuclear? Christ, it’s the same old crap, but in more concentrated form. We need to decide what we’re going to do next, but we can’t do that until we discover what’s going on. Why the surveillance? How much crap are we in?”

“A lot,” Dylan said, grabbing back the bottle. “I think as a priority we need to find a way to contact Rico.”

“The captain of the Trakis Two?” Destiny asked.

“And your boyfriend’s uncle. He’s the one who sent us here.”

She turned to him, her eyes wide. “You have an uncle?”

“No.” He shrugged. “Maybe. He was married to my mother’s sister. A long time ago.”

“How lovely.” He had an idea that Destiny had some strong feelings about family. And he really didn’t want to get into a discussion about his relationship with Rico right now.

“We need to get the comm unit from the shuttle. Or at least decide if that’s going to be a possibility. If not, then we need to steal a unit from one of the other ships or from Kinross’s headquarters.” That might be easier than trying to get back to the shuttle as it wouldn’t be watched so closely. But there were other things he’d like to collect from the shuttle. Not least the supply of whiskey, plus some personal stuff that might come in handy. “I think we go take a look at the shuttle first and then decide. I suppose you could cause a diversion and I could go in there.” With a cloaking spell he could likely get in and out without too much bother as long as their attention was directed another way.

“Will it be dangerous?” Destiny asked.

“No,” he said.

“Can I come with you?”

“No,” he said again, without even thinking about it.

She was watching him, with knowledge in her eyes. She had come so far. She clearly understood that this was the beginning of the end for them. That he would be leaving soon. A sharp pang of unease hit him somewhere in his chest—he wasn’t willing to narrow the area down further than that—at the thought of leaving her behind.

Would she come with them if he asked?

A few days ago, he would have said a categoric no. That her belief in Dr. Yang and her “duty” were instilled so deep that she would never turn her back on them. Now he wasn’t so sure. And that wasn’t just down to their great chemistry. Which was pretty fucking great. He figured her beliefs were changing as her knowledge of the world increased. She might be the most intelligent person he had ever met, and he’d met a lot of people. She read phenomenally fast. Not only that but she assimilated the knowledge. She’d taken a few physics books and gotten an alien spaceship to work. Okay, maybe she’d just pressed the red button out of curiosity, but still impressive. She had courage as well as brains.

He supposed the question he should be asking himself was—would he ask her to go with them? Hell, did he want her to?

Already, she was insinuating herself in his life. He had an idea that she would tighten the bonds if she could. And Copyright 2016 - 2024