Deception Deception (Dark Desires Origins #2) - Nina Croft Page 0,17

walked out.

Was she a coward? No, it wasn’t fear that kept her inside.

How could she just walk away from her responsibilities? Whatever Milo had said, she wasn’t here because she was a prisoner. She was here because she had accepted her role in life. As they all had to do if humanity were to survive the changes and challenges facing them. And she was proud to be of service in whatever way she could. Not everyone got the chance.

All the same she was aware of her anger simmering close to the surface. Meeting Milo had made her yearn to experience life even more. What harm could it do? At least they could tell her.

Dr. Yang entered the room, her gaze going directly to Destiny.

She squirmed a little. She suspected she was feeling guilty. Up until now, she’d never really done anything to feel guilty about except maybe ask too many questions. Now she had a secret.

Should she tell Dr. Yang about her visitor? The urge to unburden her conscience lasted only a few seconds. Clearly, he hadn’t wanted to be found here last night, and she didn’t want to get him in trouble. Maybe he would come again.

So instead, she forced a smile. “Good morning.” If it even was morning. How was she to tell when she was stuck underground? She blew out her breath; she needed to relax, or Dr. Yang would notice something was wrong. Everything Destiny did was noted and recorded.

“Did you sleep well?”

“In my cell?” The words were out before she could think better of it, and she held her breath waiting for the rebuke.

Dr. Yang shot her a sharp look. “You’re being melodramatic, Destiny. It’s not a cell, just a safe place for you to stay.”

She opened her mouth to ask why she needed a safe place and then she went still. Another figure had entered the room behind Dr. Yang. A man.

He was big, as tall as Milo and broader at the shoulder. He wore a dark green jumpsuit, similar to the men Milo had been hiding from last night, and he had a pistol at his waist. She raised her gaze to his face. He wasn’t beautiful like Milo, but he was smiling. And, unlike most of Dr. Yang’s smiles, his was reflected in his eyes, which were warm and brown. His short hair was brown as well.

“Destiny, this is Silas Wynch. Silas has offered to walk with you for an hour a day so you can get some fresh air and see the new colony.”

She’d been staring at the man, and now she turned to Dr. Yang, a smile tugging at her lips. “I can go out?”

“Of course.” She sounded annoyed. “I told you—you’re not a prisoner. But you’re valuable to us and we care about you. Silas will look after you.”

She was going out. Even if it was just for an hour. She tightened her lips and held her face still; Dr. Yang didn’t like overt signs of emotion. But she was going out. Inside she was fizzing.

Maybe she would see Milo.

She shoved the thought aside. Her future did not include Milo. He’d made that more than clear. Pushing herself to her feet, she nodded to Silas.

“Hello, Mr. Wynch.”

“Call me Silas. And it’s a nice break to go for a walk with a pretty woman.” He held out his hand, and she looked at it for a moment and then stretched out her own slowly. It was engulfed in his bigger one and he shook it vigorously.

She liked Silas. She didn’t feel the same giddy sense of excitement Milo induced in her, but that was probably just as well. She was sure Dr. Yang wouldn’t appreciate giddiness.

“Can we go now?” she asked.

Silas shrugged. “Why not?”

“I will be accompanying you today,” Dr. Yang said.

Destiny was almost sorry about that. She sensed that Silas would be far easier to talk to if he were alone. She would certainly find asking questions easier without Dr. Yang’s disapproving presence—and she had so many questions she wanted to ask. But maybe tomorrow they would be alone.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, she pulled on her boots and she was ready to go.

Dr. Yang led the way and she followed, with Silas walking behind her. As they exited the cell, she glanced down the corridor where had they had been carrying the boxes last night. What was in them? What had Milo been doing down here? Obviously, he wasn’t supposed to be there, because otherwise, he Copyright 2016 - 2024