Deception Deception (Dark Desires Origins #2) - Nina Croft Page 0,110

at a good life.

That was one thing he could give to her.

Plus, while they had taken the nukes, who knew what else Kinross had up his sleeves? He’d obviously been planning this long before they’d left Earth. He could have weapons secreted on other ships.

None of them would be safe while he was alive.

Not Destiny. Or Rico.

The people he loved.

He didn’t want to die. For the first time in centuries he had something to live for. But he knew one thing: if something was truly worth living for, then it was also worth dying for. First, he had to make sure she would be safe.

Decision made, he relaxed. He could have a little while longer. Pulling her closer so she snuggled against him, he closed his eyes and slept.

He woke to the sensation of a warm mouth engulfing his hard cock. He groaned and reached down, threading his fingers through her hair. She peered up at him, as her hands slid over his balls, cupping him, squeezing, while her mouth played its magic and the pleasure built inside him, intensifying as he tried to control the thrust of his hips. She held his gaze as she sucked on him, sliding her lips over his shaft until his spine arched and he gave up and came with her mouth still around him.

Afterward, he collapsed back on the bed, weak and lethargic, a smile on his face. She licked her lips and then kissed his cock and crawled up the bed to snuggle against his chest.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you, but I couldn’t resist, and it was there and…”

“It was a wonderful way to wake up. The best ever. Now, go back to sleep.”

She closed her eyes and her breathing evened out. He lay for a long time, trying not to sleep again. He didn’t want to waste any of this time with her.

Finally, he knew he had to go. He slipped from the bed without waking her and grabbed his clothes from the floor. At the door, he turned for one last look. She was curled on her side, her hands under her cheek, a smile curving her lips. Fixing the image in his mind, he opened the door and stepped outside. In the corridor, he dressed quickly, then headed for the bridge. He found Rico in the pilot’s seat, an empty bottle in front of him and a scowl on his face.

“Did you get through?” he asked.

“No. It seems your girlfriend is the only one who can work this thing. Either that or I’ve broken it. What are you doing up?”

“I’m going to kill Kinross.”

Rico’s eyes narrowed. “I thought we’d decided that was a suicide mission.”

“Not necessarily. I think I can do it.” He just wished he had his wand.

“Are you sure this isn’t about revenge?”

“Maybe a little.”

“Your mother gave up everything—including you—for revenge. You wasted most of your life on Earth attempting to get revenge on your father. You really want to go that route again? You think Destiny will appreciate the gesture?”

“It’s not only about revenge,” Milo said. “He’ll come after her. He can’t do anything else. She’s his only hope of survival. Besides, he’s the sort of man who hates to be beaten. He’ll come after all of us. And we don’t know what else he brought from Earth. He’ll have contingency plans, and I’m sure you don’t want to spend the next few years looking over your shoulder.”

Rico pursed his lips. “Maybe you’re right. But if so, we should all go. Make sure the job is done properly.”

Milo shook his head. “One man is more likely to get through and get close enough to do it. And you need to get Destiny off this shit planet. I’ve never asked of anything from you, and now I’m asking. Get Destiny to safety. Give her the life she deserves.”

“She’s not going to be happy about this.”

“She’ll get over it. Besides, I’m planning to make it back.”

Rico gave him a long look, then shook his head. “After a thousand years, you have to fall in love again now.”

He grinned. “I know. Inconvenient. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Rico gave him another look, but this time he nodded. “Okay. But try and stay alive. I hate dealing with hysterical females. And we leave this fucking planet in three hours. No later. Make sure you’re at the shuttle.”

He wanted to say something but wasn’t sure how. In the end he just nodded. “Thank you,” he said. “For Copyright 2016 - 2024