Deceived By the Others - By Jess Haines Page 0,36

Gabe said, his voice gone deeper, guttural with anger. Seth turned around, watching, but not saying anything. I think he was more curious how I’d handle a pissed off Were than worried something might happen to me or his friend. “You aren’t one of us. Don’t you know what we could do to you?”

“Try me, Fluffy. I’ve fought your kind before. You kids don’t know who you’re messing with.”

Gabe snarled and started closer, but the other guy, the quiet one, reached out an arm to bar his way. “She’s trying to rile you up. Don’t fall for it. We’ll need you later.”

The angry Were stopped, staring back at me, his eyes taking on a subtle greenish luminescence. When he spoke, I took note of the hint of upper and lower fangs peeking between his lips. “You must have a death wish. Keep it up, and I’ll oblige you later, once your boy toy is out of the way.”

“Yeah, right. If there’s anything left when Chaz is done with you, come talk to me.”

I think the fact that I managed to pull off appearing bored, keeping the waver out of my voice, was part of what was making him so mad. That, and because I most likely had touched a sore point with him. He was worried that Seth wouldn’t win, that Chaz would hurt him, and had no one to take it out on. His worry would become their worry. It would eat at them, make them doubt. It would give Chaz a better chance at coming out on top.

As the other two guys looked at each other, I saw the unspoken hesitation there. Even Seth seemed nervous now, absently twining his fingers through a thick chain at his belt, something he hadn’t been doing before.

It was enough to make me smile.

Chapter 11

God, I was bored. The guys had a pack of cards and were playing poker, but wouldn’t let me in on the game. They kept a wary eye on me, staying close, but not bothering or talking to me. Gabe calmed down after a while. The other two, Richard of the near-silent disposition, and Curtis of the Day-Glo Mohawk, had talked him out of his upset, urging him into passing the time with the cards.

All of them had removed their jackets and shoes, prepped for a quick change in loose jeans or sweats and what looked like ratty secondhand T-shirts. None of them seemed to mind the cold on their bare arms or getting mud between their toes, whereas I was freezing my ass off in my damp clothes.

As the minutes, then hours, ticked by, I passed the time bored and annoyed, sitting on my butt staring off into the trees or watching them play. It was eerie how quiet the forest was. The only bird-song I could hear was distant, nowhere close to where we were sitting. No squirrels or rabbits or other small wildlife had come anywhere near us. Guess the wild animals were smart enough to stay away from Weres this close to the full moon, even if they still wore their human countenances.

I hoped Chaz wouldn’t be too much longer. I was bored out of my skull and really had to pee. I wasn’t about to ask the Goof Troop over there to let me hustle off into the bushes. Like it hadn’t been embarrassing enough having been carted off like a sack of grain and then dealing with their snide comments about the scents on me.

I leaned back a little, staring up into the trees. There was one bird up there, a big, scrawny crow. Maybe the same one that had been in the trees the other night. It was staring down at us, watching the little gathering with one bright, beady eye, not making a sound. Probably waiting to see if we’d leave it some food or something.

Abruptly, the four guys lifted their heads in unison, staring back in the direction of the cabins. Chaz, Sean, Nick, Simon, and Dillon were standing in the dappled shadows filtering through the boughs, anger and irritation etched into their features. As soon as they knew they’d been spotted, they came closer, Seth and his men rising to meet them.

I surged up to my feet, intending to run to Chaz’s side. Richard reached out and grabbed my arm before I’d taken two steps. “Not yet,” he growled, his grip tight enough to make me wince.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Seth?” Chaz demanded, looming Copyright 2016 - 2024