Dear Roomie (Rookie Rebels #5) - Kate Meader Page 0,84

of pleasure.” She grinned. “Or a big spurt of pleasure!”

“I’m taking care of her,” he said quietly. Not just orgasms. He wanted to look after her yet she was the one looking after him. His home, his dog, his life.

She eyed him, considered her next words. “You’re gonna have to fight for her, Reid.”

His heart thundered like a galloping horse. Fighting was the one thing he was good at. To be better, to get into the AHL and out again, for the first line, to prove he was worth his spot on the Rebels.

But would it be enough to make Kennedy happy? He wasn’t sunny or cheerful. He didn’t have any special skills. He worked hard on the ice. That was it. Hardly enough to win a woman like Kennedy who was a force of energy.

“Bullseye. Five-oh. Fifty!”

“Bingo!” Which was followed by loud groans of disappointment. A woman near the back raised her hand to claim victory.

“Rats.” Edie put the used card to the back of her pile. “I’m going to need your help with something. You up for an adventure?”


Kennedy checked her to-do list and struck through what she’d already accomplished so far.

Collect Cooper at 10:10, Sylvester at 10:20, Dylan at 10:30.

Pick up Erik Jorgenson’s dry-cleaning and Ann Sather cinnamon rolls.

Collect a case of wine for Dante Moretti, Cade Burnett’s husband, at the Wine Goddess store.

December was a real boon to the dog-walking, and now, personal assistant business. No new clients, just taking care of the current ones. Everyone was so busy for the holidays, and Kennedy was the perfect Gal Friday to both players and WAGs. Harper Chase, the Rebels owner and CEO, had even asked her to provide a pet-match for her trio of daughters.

She’d been so busy that she had missed one of her visits to Edie at Larkvale. Usually she went over every day, but this morning, when she stopped by, she learned that maybe she didn’t need to visit so often after all.

She had a rival for Edie’s affections.

Now she was back at the apartment for a quick bite to eat before jumping into her afternoon to-dos. A volunteer stint at the animal shelter and phone calls to make for Tate Kaminiski, who needed help setting up fun events for his kids while they were in town. (Divorce was tough and the man was kind of clueless, bless his heart.) Kennedy was thinking that Whirlyball might be the best option—who wouldn’t love bumper car basketball?

Kennedy put her bag on the hallway table and walked into the living room.

Or what had once been the living room. In the two hours since she’d been here, a new world had been terraformed made up of cushions, pillows, comforters, and sheets.


She stepped closer to what looked like it might be the entrance. Sofa cushions shored up a tunnel, over which was draped a sheet. Another sheet had clothes pins holding it in place—he must have bought those. She pulled back the sheet and what she saw made her heart hitch.

Man and best friend.

Reid lay in a nest of cushions, a flashlight upturned to give an eerie spot on the blanketed roof, his e-reader reflecting a glow on his handsome face. By his side, Bucky was lying with his head tucked into Reid’s side. The perfect spot to be.

Reid smiled at her. “You’re home.”

Well, didn’t that catch somewhere in her chest. It had been a long time since she felt like she belonged somewhere.

Don’t get carried away. It’s a blanket fort.

“Are you receiving visitors?”

Reid turned to Bucky. “What do you think? Can Kennedy come in?” Whatever Reid saw on the puppy’s face was enough to give her the nod. “We are.”

She crawled inside, pulling the sheet door down behind her and closing the rest of the world off. Reid shifted slightly so there was a sliver of space beside him on the other side from Bucky.

“So what’s going on?”

“Since I recycled the TV box, I noticed he likes to sit in the hearth or the laundry cupboard. I figured he probably just craves warm, cave-like spaces.”

Bucky lifted his head, aware they were talking about him.

“And you thought you’d like to try it, too?”

“Sometimes it’s nice to get away without packing a suitcase.”

“It sure is.” As she leaned back, Reid rearranged some pillows to support her head. “Thanks.”

“Don’t mention it. How’s your morning gone?”

“Good. I walked Gunnar Bond’s dog, Cooper for the first time as well as a couple of my regulars. And Harper Chase asked me to stop by Copyright 2016 - 2024