Dear Roomie (Rookie Rebels #5) - Kate Meader Page 0,77

see you, too.” She laughed, sounding nervous, and her eyes asked if he had really done that. “She’s getting her gentleman friend to buy her a hockey shirt.”

“I can get her merchandise.”

“Oh, let him do it. There’s some contest for his affections at Larkvale, so if she can bamboozle her way into his good graces this way, we shouldn’t question it. Good game, by the way.”


She gave a little shiver. His girl liked the French. “And before you ask, I texted Sandy about Bucky and he’s fine.”

Sandy was the neighbor down the hall, who Reid didn’t know existed until this past Sunday.

“That’s good. We probably should get home and—”

“Oh no, you don’t, Duracell.” Cade Burnett butted in. “You’re buying the first round, whether you drink it or not. And I need to talk to your lady here.”

Your lady. He was about to deny it but it would be a barefaced lie. Besides, Cade had already turned on a big, toothy grin for Kennedy. “Howdy, Ma’am, we haven’t met officially. Cade Burnett at your service.”

Reid glared at his teammate. “For fuck’s sake, you’re not that Texan.”

“Quiet, please, we’re conducting business here,” Cade said without any heat. “I heard you’re the woman to talk to about getting a puppy. My guy’s at home with our little one and—”

“A new baby?” Kennedy was all smiles. “Aww!”

“Aww is right. A gorgeous little gal called Rosie and my hot husband is taking on the lion’s share of the childrearing duties. But I think he could do with some canine company and a little bird told me you’re the woman with the connections at the shelter.”

“I volunteer there, so I’d be happy to help you find a new companion. What did you have in mind?”

“Something friendly, doesn’t have to be pure breed or anything fancy, just good around babies.”

Someone else pushed his way in. Jorgenson, the big lummox. “Kennedy, thanks so much for picking up my dry cleaning. Did you get my payment?”

“I did, Erik, thanks! And the woman at the counter said she was really sorry about that stain on the shirt sleeve. She tried but it wouldn’t budge.”

Puppy matching? Dry cleaning? Reid glared at Jorgenson who was his usual oblivious Swedish self.

“It’s okay, I can cover it up with a jacket. So my parents are coming into town next week and I need some ideas for stuff for them to do. I thought about Second City but they don’t really get all the political humor.”

“Shoot me the dates and I’ll work around your playing schedule. Maybe a show at the Magic Lounge? Everyone loves card tricks.”

Erik turned to Reid. “Isn’t she amazing? And if you’re free for dinner, Ken—”

“She’s not free for dinner,” Reid choked out. Did the man not see Reid’s arm wrapped around this woman? “Every waking minute is spent minding Bucky or walking other people’s dogs or visiting her grandmother, so stop trying to monopolize her time. All of you.”

Kennedy patted Reid’s chest. “I can accept or decline my own dinner invitations, thank you.” She turned to Erik. “Let’s chat when Grumpy Pants here isn’t giving us the evil eye. And Cade, send me the specs for your puppy and I’ll see who’s looking for a forever home the next time I’m at the shelter.”

“You are a queen among women, Kennedy.” Cade picked up her hand and kissed it, making her giggle. The guy was gay but Reid couldn’t help his scowl. Hands off, Burnett!

Kennedy was now busy ogling—and that was definitely the correct term—his teammates. Most of them were in various stages of undress, not caring that they had female visitors. Mia was also here, canoodling with Foreman.

“Maybe you should wait outside,” he said.

“What? It’s just naked hockey butt.” She peered up at him, all mischief. “I’m a world traveler. I’ve seen plenty of butts before, y’know.”

“Not the asses of the guys I work with. It looks like I have to go out with them for a while.” He’d rather she was with him than not, even if these other shitheads were present and flirting. “Come with me.”

“I would but I really should get Edie and her man back to the asylum before they send out the search dogs.”

“I should go say hello to her.”

“Would you? She’d love that!”

“I need to get changed but I can meet you outside in a few minutes. Near the west entrance.”

She smiled, and his heart went boom. This crush was the worst.

Ten minutes later he approached Kennedy’s group, wearing a baseball cap and a Copyright 2016 - 2024