Dear Roomie (Rookie Rebels #5) - Kate Meader Page 0,73

practice, which I know you’re not afraid of.”

No, he wasn’t. His heart should have felt heavy but it didn’t. It felt fucking hopeful.

He wanted a multi-year contract with a team. With this team. With a coach who saw his potential and not everything he did wrong.

“I don’t mind working hard.”

Coach chuckled. “That’s what I want to hear. Enjoy your day off and be ready to grind at practice tomorrow.”

“Will do. Thanks, Coach.”

He didn’t have time to enjoy this novel feeling of contentment because a text had come in from Kennedy while he was on the call.

So you’re not going to like this …

He read the rest and cursed loud enough to make Bucky finally pee and take a nice, healthy dump.

Reid was fine with the sound of his own dog barking. After all, Bucky’s voice was almost melodic and usually meant he was happy about his latest treat. Reid was less sure about other dogs especially in an enclosed space while people knocked back Mimosas, Bloody Marys, and eggs Benedict.

Foreman looked about as pleased as Reid to be spending his Sunday at Fido’s on Main, Riverbrook’s very own dog-friendly restaurant with a heated indoor patio. Apparently this was the latest thing. Man and canine, brunching together at last.

“They have this amazing bread pudding,” Mia said. “We could get one for the table or maybe a half-one for me. I could probably eat the whole thing.”

Foreman’s eyes softened. “Wouldn’t want to deny you your bread pudding rights, gorgeous girl. We’ll get a large one for the rest of us and you can have a bowl all for yourself.”

“Best. Boyfriend. Ever.”

Foreman grinned, then caught Reid’s eye and dropped the act. “You still pissed about last night, Durand?”

“Yeah,” Kennedy said, her wicked smile stretching wide, her eyes sparkling like shining quarters. “Are you?”

He pressed his thigh against hers, hoping to discourage her from being too mischievous. He certainly didn’t want his business known by all and sundry. Apparently Kennedy and Mia had set this brunch up a few days ago, but the way the two of them were grinning like Cheshire cats, he had to wonder if there were some shenanigans afoot.

Reid wasn’t one to waste an opportunity. As he was here breathing the same sugar-on-French-toast-scented air as Foreman, he may as well get the man’s opinion. “So last night didn’t go so well.”

Oh, that confused the hell out of the Masshole.

Foreman eyed him with suspicion, then after a beat said, “I feel like it was coming together in practice, so I guess it’s just performance anxiety.” He winced and turned to Mia. “What? Why did ya kick me?”

“Because you’re being mean to Reid. He needs positive encouragement.”

“I really don’t.”

Foreman waved a hand. “See? No one needs the soft soap here. We’re all adults and Durand played like a donkey.”

Reid snorted his appreciation for Foreman’s candid assessment. “Thanks, Foreskin.”

Cal muttered a curse under his breath.

Kennedy sent a baffled look Mia’s way. “I don’t understand sports people.”

“This is standard intra-team smack talking,” Mia said cheerfully. “You’ll figure it out.”

The server stopped by to take their orders, including from a special dog menu for Bucky and Gordie Howe, who were both lying on the floor, checking each other out.

“So how’s the roommate thing going, guys?” Mia asked, in one of those oh-so-innocent tones that no one bought for a second.

“I’ll let Kennedy answer that.” Reid ran a hand under the table over her thigh and squeezed because even though he was in favor of keeping his private life private, he couldn’t resist touching her.

She turned to him, that gorgeous smile already lighting up her face. “He’s a neat freak.”

“She’s never met a dish she couldn’t dirty.”

“While I’m cooking awesome meals for you, ingrate!”

Reid let his hand wander inside thigh and inch north … “Her coffee is undrinkable, her curry is inedible, she hogs my shower because the guest one isn’t good enough for her …” He shrugged. “Bucky likes her. That’s something, I suppose.”

She leaned into his shoulder, and just that simple press sent him into the stratosphere of joy.

“As you can see, living with a roommate hasn’t softened him up in the slightest.”

“Oh, I dunno.” Foreman took a sip of his OJ. “He seems a changed man. Pity it doesn’t translate to the ice. So Kennedy, I hear you’re leaving the country in a couple of weeks.”

Reid shot a sharp look at Foreman, whose lips twitched.

“Right, I’m usually in Asia during the winter and I have a job lined up teaching English in Thailand Copyright 2016 - 2024