Dear Roomie (Rookie Rebels #5) - Kate Meader Page 0,70

so she was exposed to his hot, thunderstorm gaze.

Lying over her body, he inhaled at her neck, licked it, nuzzled some more, then sucked on her ear. Riotous sensations moved through her with a shocking speed. Yet it was also happening too slowly, perhaps a hangover from the build-up of weeks for them to get here. She needed this now.

He still wore his clothes though his bare chest was accessible. She took advantage, moving her hands over all that unexplored territory.

“Naked. Need to see you naked.”

He knelt up and pulled at his shirt, so much slower than the situation called for.

“Reeeid …”

His lips curved in a half-smile. She was starting to live for those brief flashes, so different from his usual gravity.

A flutter of doubt assailed her, as she remembered that look when he first got home. The crushing pain of defeat after a bad game. She needed to know there was more to this than Kennedy as consolation prize. “Are you here because you lost?”

“I’m here because you’ve won.”

“But nothing’s changed. If anything, what happened this morning and tonight proves that sex does indeed throw you off your game. My orgasm made you lose!”

He scowled. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.”

“Uh, this is your crackpot theory. I’m only the messenger.”

“Kennedy, neither you nor your orgasm made me lose. I just had a bad night.” He cupped her jaw and gave her the Reid sex stare. “I want this. I’ve wanted you forever. I’ll never not want you. D’accord?”

“D’accord,” she whispered. Okay. Only Reid could make casual sex sound like the end of the world.

Because it’s not casual …

She shouldn’t go there. Better instead to go here … She went to unbutton his pants.

Zipper scrape, pants down, cock freed.

Oh my.

She squirmed on the bed, trying to enjoy the hot slickness between her thighs but knowing it would be better when it coated all of that Reid girth. The man was packing.

Hurry, hurry.

Standing, he removed the rest and now he was back, a condom on the nightstand, his beautiful body stretched out over her.

They spent a moment drinking each other in. She was short and curvy, he was tall and built. The admiration on both sides was clear. Even the scar tissue on her torso, the brand of the worst night of her life, couldn’t detract from the moment. Sealed in a special bubble, it was too important to let the bad memories in.

His hand moved over her body, down, down, his middle finger parting the cleft between her thighs to the soft, wet flesh within. The tingle of the hair on his arms added another layer of thrilling sensation.

“Look how wet and pink you are,” he murmured, his voice filled with awe.

She looked.

She was.

And she had never been so aroused in her life.

This was not how Reid imagined his evening going. Play like shit. Lose a game. Suffer through the rollicking his father had dealt him on the phone call after.

“What the fuck was that? You’re not strong enough for that position,” Henri had said on the message when Reid didn’t answer the call. “That’s not your lane at all. You need to stick to what you’re good at. That dump in the lake has made you soft.”

Sure, Dad. Thanks for your input.

All he’d wanted was to come home to Bucky and Kennedy. Home to where no one cared about his plus-minus. Or his shooting percentage. Or that he was Henri Durand’s stepson.

The moment he stepped across the threshold and saw his puppy happy to see him and his roommate—his gorgeous fucking roommate—standing there, waiting, he knew.

She would be leaving in a few weeks.

She had no reason to stay, but maybe he needed to give her a reason. Lock her down, like Bast said. If he didn’t make a move now, then when? After she fell apart in his arms this morning, surrendering to him in the sweetest possible way, he had known this night could end in only one way.

Inside Kennedy.

All this pent-up need should have found an outlet on the ice, but tonight he couldn’t connect with the puck, his teammates, or his game plan. Everything was closed off, except the rush of feeling in his veins when it came to Kennedy. This woman had blasted into his life and made him question everything.

His mind was a mess but his body knew the score. It needed the tight sheath of her body. It needed the comfort of a place to land. It needed this woman.

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