Dear Roomie (Rookie Rebels #5) - Kate Meader Page 0,38

in the sliver of revealed skin between her tank and her panties.

Frustration pierced his chest, barreling through his veins. Dressed in loose running pants and a long-sleeved tee, he was covered up and following the rules. The least she could do was treat him as the stranger he was.

“It’s …” Fine, he wanted to say. This is your home. Dress as much or as little as you please.

But it wasn’t fine. Not when he had weeks and months of sexual frustration to face. It was only the second week of November, far too early in the season to be confronted with this threat to his balance.

“It would be better if you assumed I’m always about to walk into the room.”

“Okay, that sounds scary.” She giggled and placed the mixing bowl on the counter. “Reid might be here any second. Reid’s turning the corner. Reid’s … almost … here!” She raised both her hands to her cheeks as fists and gave a mock, soundless scream.

“Or do whatever you want,” he muttered and walked out the door, grabbing Bucky’s leash as he went. The jangle was enough to bring him to attention.


He was heading to the stairwell when she called his name again. Turning, he found her approaching in her winter coat (open, so covering nothing), but still in her bare feet.

Concern reared in his chest. “You’ll catch a cold.”

“Hey, don’t walk away when we’re having a discussion.”

“We weren’t having a discussion. I was telling you a rule of the house and you decided it was a joke.”

She bit her lip. “I did. I’m sorry about that. I was up early because Bucky peed in the hallway outside my room—”

“What?” He peered down at Bucky who was giving his trademark look of innocence. “I thought he was getting better.”

“He is. He does it more when you’re away so a definite improvement. I cleaned it up—not a big deal—and then I was awake so I thought I’d start baking. I really wasn’t thinking about how I looked and when you called me on it, I probably projected some of my subconscious annoyance at cleaning up after your puppy on you. Also, I have a tendency to push back at authority.”

That was a very mature response, versus his very immature, can’t-control-his-dick one. All he could do was mutter, “I’m not an authority.”

“You are. This is your place. Your space. Your rules. And I should respect that, especially given your particular situation right now.”

The no-sex situation. He should have kept that to himself, but now it was here between them like the lust-crazed elephant in the room. He inhaled a deep breath, trying to fill lungs that would rather refuse the air.

“I want you to be comfortable enough to feel at home. I shouldn’t ask you to change your habits for me, especially when it’s just you being … you. And especially when you’re being amazing cleaning up after this rogue here.” He shot Bucky another admonishing look. This time he had the decency to appear shamefaced. “It’s my responsibility to be a grown adult and not leer at my roommate. I shouldn’t have asked.”

She rushed forward and placed a hand on his bicep. The warmth of that touch, the thrill of it, flooded his entire body with awareness. Of him, of her, of what was barely covered by that winter coat.

Of what it might be like to back her up against the wall and lay his mouth on her gorgeous tits.

“No, of course you should have asked. This is your home and I’m a guest. I need to be more considerate of your feelings. Forgive me.”

“There’s nothing to forgive. This is your home now.” He placed his hand over hers, trapping it against his chest. It was meant only to acknowledge her apology but the heat of her seeped into him.

It might have been his imagination, but Reid could have sworn her eyes misted over before she quickly regrouped.

“Huh, maybe you’re one of the good ones, Reid.”

“Don’t let it get out. I have a rep to maintain.”

She reached up on tip toes and kissed his cheek. Oh, Christ. “Your secret’s safe with me.”

“I should get going.” Before I tear those panties off, and drive into your wet heat, deep and true. “Come on, Buck. Let’s talk about the right and wrong places to pee.”

His naughty little pup wagged his tail.

Another fifteen minutes added to the run should do it. And if it didn’t, Reid would add another thirty.

“Durand, my office, now.”

Reid looked up, only Copyright 2016 - 2024