Dear Roomie (Rookie Rebels #5) - Kate Meader Page 0,32

needed some breathing room while she waited for her work visa and ensured Edie was in a good place.

“We should talk about rules,” Reid said. “And money. Also, I’ll need to talk to my accountant about taxes.”

Taxes? She was trying to make a buck, not hand it off to Uncle Sam.

“You want to get the government involved?”

He looked at her sharply. Of course he would want the government involved. This guy was not a rule breaker.

“I prefer to keep it all above board.” His pretty mouth set in a grimace.

“Sure. Whatever works.” She couldn’t tell him to break the law. As it was, he was doing her a huge favor. “What rules did you have in mind?”

“I would prefer if you didn’t invite people over.”

“You mean lov-ahs?”

He scowled. “I mean anyone. During the season I need to focus. I can’t do that if there are people here.”

Pesky kids playing loud music.

She had no intention of inviting people over yet she felt an unbearable urge to poke at him. “Will you be able to focus while I’m here?”

“You just said you’d be out a lot or spending the time in your room. That would probably be best.”

A giggle bubbled from somewhere deep, flirted with her lungs, and threatened to climb her throat. By the grace of the housing gods, who clearly recognized a mortal woman in need of a roof over her head, she managed to keep it at bay.

“Got it. And don’t worry about food. I’ll buy my own and I won’t steal yours.”

He shook his head. “I don’t mind about that. You can order anything you want and charge it to my account. I usually get stuff delivered so we can share a cart in the app. Room and board included in your pay.”

That was generous. She wouldn’t abuse it, though. “I can do some cleaning. Though I imagine you have someone come in.” People with money usually had a maid.

“No need to do anything like that. I do my own cleaning. Helps me concentrate.” Ha, she had totally called that. He screwed up his brow, like he was concentrating right now.

Maybe on vacuuming.

What was she getting herself into? She’d lived with roommates before and had a high tolerance for crazy. Backpacking solo though Europe and Asia led to fun interactions with new people, several of whom often had questionable habits. She could fill a Reddit board with her tales of whackery in the room- and hostel-mate department.

So Reid was uptight about his living space. She could work with that. This was a pretty sweet gig for someone who rarely let the hardwood under her feet accumulate dust. Six weeks and she’d be gone.

She moved in closer to the fridge. It was covered with several calendars, one that was obviously for games. “What’s this one?”

“My workout schedule.”

“And this?” She pointed at a different color-coded one.

“Meals. I have certain dietary requirements.”

“This rule about having people over. Does that apply to you?” It was his home and she was a guest, but she did wonder.

“I won’t have anyone over.”

“You aren’t dating anyone?”

“I don’t date. And I don’t fu—uh, screw anyone during the season.”

She could feel her eyes go around at his unvarnished statement. When he said he needed to focus, he really meant focusing on … not having sex.

Wow. “At all? Not even on your away trips?”


“So you’re like the Hockey Terminator or something. Always the mission.” Maybe he went nuts once the season was over. An image of him losing his shit, screwing anything not nailed down popped into her head and set her brain on fire.

“You look like you’re thinking,” he said, his gaze dipping to her mouth. Or perhaps she imagined that because she was looking at his mouth.

Get your eyes in order, girl. All this mouth watching could only spell trouble.

“I’m a human, I’m always thinking. So let me get this straight. From October to June, you keep it in your pants? Every season?”

“It’s only to June if we make the playoffs. If that happens, hockey’s the only thing on my mind. That and my scratchy playoff beard.”

Playoff beard? She would be doing some light Internet research tonight for sure.

“So have you ever lived with a roommate before?”

“Sure, in college. And I room with players at the hotels during away games.”

“But a female roommate?”

His gaze narrowed. “Worried you’re going to be so attractive to me I might break my rules?”

“Oh, I’d never presume. I just want to be sure I don’t make things awkward while I run Copyright 2016 - 2024