Dear Roomie (Rookie Rebels #5) - Kate Meader Page 0,23

did I call to talk to you, Masshole. “I just wanted to find out if the dog sitter can be trusted. I’ve learned that so we’re done here.”

“Okay, see you at the bus—”

Reid had already clicked off.

That was last night, and now Reid was second-guessing … everything. He looked around his place, a bland bachelor pad that he had yet to personalize. This was his fourth city in five years, so he didn’t see the point in expending the effort. He wondered if his space would feel different when he returned, if she would somehow imprint her personality on it.

There was a knock at the door. Bucky started growling in a menacing manner, or as menacing as this baby bundle of bones could manage.

“It’s okay. It’s just your nanny.”

On opening the door, his heart hitched while his brain immediately set up a counter-argument: why? She didn’t look any different. Same chin-length blonde hair with that rebellious pink streak, same sly grin that seemed to know all his secrets, same bulky coat that had seen better days. She rolled a suitcase in behind her.

“Hey, roomie!”

“You’re only here for two days. And we’re not roommates.”

“Ah, wasn’t talking to you.” She fished in her pocket, hunkered down, and opened her hand to reveal a bone-shaped biscuit. Those actually existed? Reid had always thought they were fake, for cartoons and commercials. He had a lot to learn about this dog-raising business.

Bucky tentatively approached, sniffed the biscuit, and looked up at him for approval. Reid’s heart burst.

“Go ahead. It’s a treat for you.”

The dog licked the biscuit, decided it was safe, and took the whole thing in his mouth, crunching away and spilling crumbs on the hardwood floor. Reid threw a furtive glance at the closet where the Dustbuster was located. It would take just a minute to clean up …

“Good fella!” Kennedy stood and smiled. “What time do you have to leave?”

“Twelve minutes ago. You’re late.”

“Okay, let’s chat,” she said blithely. “I assume I can call you on the regular number. Would it help to have your hotel’s as well in case I can’t get a hold of you?”

Good. She was asking the right things and focused on the dog. “I have a list here with numbers of the hotel, the team management, and the team’s travel staff. I also have the vet’s information.”

“Got it. And his food and any meds?”

He led her into the kitchen and opened a cupboard. “This is what the man at the pet store recommended. I also have shit bags and his leash.” He refused to say the word “poop,” though that’s what the pet store guy had said, like they were all children. He opened another cupboard door. “This is the ringworm medication and vitamins.”

“Hold on, let’s look at the food again.” She laughed, her silver eyes shining with amusement. “You leave anything at the store?”

So it was a lot, but he wasn’t sure how much dogs ate. If he could buy in bulk to save time, why not?

“I’m new to this.”

She grasped his arm. “Hey, I’m just kidding. This is great. Really. So is there anything else I can do while I’m here? Clean the bathroom, do laundry—”

“You’re here for the dog. You don’t have to do anything else. Just look after the dog.”

She grinned and his heart blundered around his chest again. What was wrong with him?

She was pretty, but not exceptionally so.

She had a nice smile, but nothing special. (So he had thought it gorgeous before but that was when he had just emerged from a frigid, wet lake and any flash of warmth was welcome.)

There was something indefinable about her, a joie-de-vivre that was very attractive. She was the kind of girl who flitted about, in and out of people’s lives, leaving … impressions. She likely lacked the stability Bucky needed but he had no choice.

“There are a few toys in that box over there.” The pet store had some very cute ones. Reid had tested them by squeezing them near the dog’s face and the rubber bee was a winner. To be honest, he had yelped excitedly about 90% of them. Clearly, this dog hadn’t seen much in the way of simple pleasures.

“Sounds good.”

“I’ll reach the hotel in Philadelphia at about 5 p.m. Chicago time. I’ll call then so make sure you’re available.”

“Yes, sir!” She gave him a cheeky salute.

Her levity put his back up. “I’m serious.”

“Oh, I know.”

“Don’t leave him alone, if you have to go to the store or something. What Copyright 2016 - 2024