Dear Roomie (Rookie Rebels #5) - Kate Meader Page 0,11

against each other was merely grist for his grand scheme to make them winners instead of sniveling little pussies.

His words.

But Bast already had his Cup win when the Hawks grabbed the brass ring three years ago. The way he was playing this season he had a good shot at another.

Reid kicked up his legs and moved faster, the water to his right, the rocks his destination. His eyesight blurred with the frigid air, the wind like sharp blades though his running hoodie.

Something snagged his attention. A coat in the water or a piece of carpet. He kept the same pace—or tried to, but the coat insisted on drawing his gaze. Buffeted by the waves, it was covered in frothy frills of surf. Then the oddest thing happened.

It transformed into a face.

With ears.

That’s no coat. There was a dog in the water!

About thirty feet out, this dog was valiantly trying to keep his head above the waterline. The beach at this point was more of a break bordered by jagged rocks that extended a shelf of about six feet overhanging the water. Reid could climb over and … what? Jump in?

The current didn’t look particularly strong, but definitely strong enough to cause trouble for a dog and any man who might think taking a dip in sub-zero temps was a good idea.

Why was the animal even here? He looked around. The couple was still far behind. The dog didn’t belong to them. No one else seemed to be in the vicinity, but that yapping sound still carried over the wind from the woods. Perhaps his owner was looking for him.

He scanned ahead. The current might carry the pup to the rocky outcrop about three hundred feet out, where Reid could reach out and grab him.

He went under again. No no no.

This helpless creature was fading fast.

Reid stripped off his running jacket, but kept his shoes on because those rocks looked tricky. The last thing he needed was to break his damn ankle. His very expensive ankle. Henri would love that.

He climbed over the rocks, feeling his way to the flatter sections until he reached the edge. A voice behind him called out some sort of warning, but he’d already committed to action.

Into the water, and pray there wasn’t a murder of jagged rocks just below the surface ready to fuck him up.

He jumped in feet first, rather than risk his hands or head. His feet didn’t touch the bottom and he started swimming through the icy water.

The fucking freezing water.

It’s Lake Michigan in November. Did you think it would be tropical?

Reid didn’t care. He didn’t have time to care.

Five feet, ten, at twenty-five feet, he reached the dog who had somehow sensed help was on the way. His head popped out of the water and Reid was sure that was relief he saw in his big brown eye because only one was open.

The pup was smaller than he looked from the shore. He was also a mess. A gash across his head, an eye completely shut. Worse, no eye at all. Anger and sympathy dueled in Reid’s chest.

“It’s okay, fella. I’ve got you.” He placed his arm behind the animal’s front legs, cradling his body. A bag of bones, like coat hangers poking through a sheet. He thrashed in fear, but Reid held on.

Until the little shit bit his shoulder.

It was just a nip, though a touch close to his face. More surprised than hurt, Reid loosened his grip and the pup flailed even more. Reid’s legs were getting numb, so he needed to make a decision. He attempted another arm curl around the sodden pup, got a slippery hold, then turned back to the shore.

Only to find that someone else was in the water. Now wait a damn second, Reid only had so much strength. He had this dog to save, he really couldn’t be worrying about someone else. Who the hell thought splashing about in the lake in November was a good idea?

This person was swimming toward him. What the fuck?

Distracted by the new arrival—who was actually a strong swimmer and Reid was beginning to realize, a woman—the dog squirmed and started paddling away.

Stupid dog! I’m trying to save you!

The interloper closed the gap. She looked oddly familiar, and even with wet hair he could tell it was streaked with pink.

Coffee Shop Girl.

“Are you okay?” she gasped.

“Am I—what are you doing?”

“Saving you!” She grabbed the dog and of course, the little fucker didn’t put up a fuss. Just went Copyright 2016 - 2024