Dear Roomie (Rookie Rebels #5) - Kate Meader Page 0,100

hadn’t spoken in two days. He hadn’t even come to see Bucky, though she knew he had stopped by while she was out because he emptied the dishwasher and took some clothes (she had gone into his closet to sniff his Henleys like a loser and noticed one of his suits was missing). Apparently he hated the idea of being in the same place as her so much that he was willing to ignore his dog. Only Reid would deny himself something he loved to avoid dealing with something he hated.

Well, she didn’t have to play by his rules.

Bucky lounged on the end of the sofa, looking his usual ugly-adorable self. She held up her phone, snapped a shot, and before she could second-guess the instinct, texted it to Reid with the caption: Ruff! I miss my daddy!

The team would be at the hotel by now, maybe getting ready to head out for something to eat. Reid might be in the shower. For better or worse, he was a man of routine.

A text came in thirty seconds later: I miss you, too. I hope you’re being a good boy for Kennedy.

Cute. He understood that the message was from Bucky, and not her.

Another one, almost immediately: And I hope you’re looking after her when she takes you outside, especially at night. Bark at all the strangers and anything in the bushes.

Kennedy closed her eyes against the sting of tears. Not cute. That was just … oh God, why did he have to be such a soft-hearted lug under that jerkish exterior?

I’ll do my best, she texted (or Bucky did). She claims she can kick all the ass but I’m there if she needs me.

I know you are. And yes, Kennedy can take care of herself. But she doesn’t have to do it alone.

She swiped at her eyes. The phone rang and Reid’s Chicago Rebels headshot came up. Composing herself, she answered.


“Hi, roomie.”

A small thing that filled a large hole. Through all this, she felt like she hadn’t just lost someone she loved, but the guy who was also her friend.

“How’s Detroit?”

“I’m not there because I was suspended for a game. I’m staying with Bast.”

He was in the city? That was even worse. But it was a good sign that he was with his brother. “How’s he doing?”

“Okay. He’ll be out for a while so that’s weighing on him.” And on Reid, too, no doubt. “Thanks for sending that pic of Bucky. I’ve missed him.”

“You could see him at any time. I know you don’t want to—” see me “—because it might be awkward. But he’s yours.”

Long pause. “I need the space, and you need to be safe.”

Space from her. “This is your home, Reid.”

“It’s just four walls and some furniture.” He cleared his throat. “I need a favor.”

“Of course.”

“I’ll be flying with Bast to Toronto on Christmas Eve to visit our mom, but I can’t take Bucky on the plane. After how I spoke to you the other night, I know I have no right to ask, but will you watch him over the holiday? I expect to be back on the 26th. That should give you plenty of time to wrap up things.”

Christmas was four days away and she’d barely given it any thought. Two days ago she had been ready to tear up her ticket to Bangkok and tell Reid how she really felt.

Instead she was wrapping up things.

Having spent so long chasing the sun, she had forgotten what it felt like to enjoy it. That’s how she had felt with Reid, filled with joy and hope. With him all good feelings rushed in, filling the crevices around her heart with love putty. Reid and Bucky had healed her, yet a sharp word from this man still had the capacity to rip it all asunder. Now all she felt was a cold distance.

If he didn’t want to see her, fine. But surely they could act like adults and speak their truths.

Hers? That she loved Reid Durand. It hurt to love him, but she suspected it would hurt more not to.

His? She wasn’t sure. There was no doubt he had opened up in the last few weeks. His heart had softened, ready to love a misfit dog, a team of rabble-rousers, and his brother despite the envy. But she wasn’t sure that love extended to himself.

Until he figured out how to forgive himself, then he wouldn’t be ready to love her.

“I can look after him. But I really should move Copyright 2016 - 2024