Dear Daddy, Please Spank Me - Chara Croft Page 0,79

don’t, um, you know.” His eyes darted down to my cock for a split second and his free hand made a subtle, up-and-down twitching motion that I would have missed if I hadn’t had every ounce of my attention on him.

A twitching motion that was unmistakable.

Now I was the one wide-eyed with surprise. “You don’t jerk off?”

Sean nodded, looking mortified.

“Ever?” I asked, not quite comprehending how that would be possible.

He shook his head. “I can’t,” he whispered, the hand that was still resting on my arm, still locked under mine, trembling. “I can’t touch m-m-m-myself there.”

I opened my mouth, ready, able, and willing to offer a hundred and one dirty suggestions about how I could help him with that, but then I beat them all back with a stick, because he looked all kinds of messed up about that confession and I realized this was not the time to be an ass… even if I definitely didn’t understand what the hell he meant. One dick. Two hands. I may not have been a math major, but it seemed like a pretty straightforward equation to me. How could he not touch himself? Fuck knows if I ever got the chance, I wouldn’t have that kind of restraint.

“What do you mean, Sean?” I asked, a weird jumble of feelings welling up inside me. One part confused, one part still—fucking always, around him—turned the fuck on, and a whole bunch of other parts that were starting to feel kinda worried about him, too, given how shaky he was getting. “You can’t touch your dick, baby?”

With epic levels of self-restraint, I beat back my inner horndog so I could pay attention with the confused-and-worried parts of me. Sean was starting to look wrecked, and not in the afterglow-of-riding-my-cock way I’d imagined so many times. And I… well, yeah, I for damn sure wanted to offer to touch that sure-to-be-as-pretty-as-the-rest-of-him dick of his for him, but more than that, I wanted to get that look off his face. I wanted to figure out what the hell he was talking about and… and make it better.

Jesus, was I getting soft? Sure, he was sweet and I liked him, but for all the guys I’d fucked—spoiler: that would be a lot—I’d never felt this way about anyone before. Never wanted to make things right for someone else without some kind of get-in-his-pants ulterior motive. Never needed to make them right, the way I suddenly, desperately, needed to for Sean.

I let go of his hand and traced the tear track still visible on his cheek with my finger. “Tell me, baby,” I said... not because I was still hoping to fuck him even though of course I’d always be down for that if I ever let myself go there, but just because he was hurting and I had to find out how I could fix it.

Then my hand froze. Hell, my whole fucking body froze, the truth slamming into me like a goddamn three-hundred-pound tackle: I didn’t just like Sean, I didn’t just appreciate him as a too-good-to-be-true roommate or daydream about fucking him because he was the prettiest goddamn thing I’d ever seen, I actually liked him, like the kind of liking that could lead straight into the always-to-be-avoided minefield of shit like… like relationships if I wasn’t careful.

How the fuck had that happened?

And even with the rubble still smoking from the detonation of the oh-shit-I’ve-got-feelings-for-him bomb—and despite my own personal preference for all sex to be quick, dirty, and with absolutely no strings or expectations attached—instead of hightailing it out the door and heading for the closest anonymous Grindr hook-up I could find like I should have been doing, I still had my hand on Sean’s face. I still needed to fix these tears he was leaking. Still had to figure out what the fuck he’d been talking about with his “no touching” revelation, wipe that stricken look off his face, and then find a way to get us back to good.

Maybe even to better than good.

“Tell me,” I repeated firmly, since he always responded so beautifully to being ordered around. I could deal with all the feelings bullshit later, sometime when I could concentrate on navigating that minefield without accidentally blowing something up. Right now, though, I’d just have to forge ahead, because I had other priorities and they were all about making sure my boy was okay.

“Okay,” Sean whispered, just like I’d known he would. And fuck, I loved how much he loved to do whatever I wanted, especially when I put some force behind the words like I just had.

He stared up at me with those big, wet eyes and sucked in a ragged breath as he braced himself for whatever he was about to lay on me… and my cock twitched hard.

Yep, I’m a fucking dog. Even knowing he was hurting and with the threat of feelings to complicate things between us now, once I sorted this crying shit out for him, all bets were off. A guy can only be good for so long before he breaks, and when it came to the sweet little bundle of temptation known as my roommate?

Oh, hell yeah.

Break me, baby. Break me hard.

Even if it came with a few explosions, I was done being hands off when it came to sweet little Sean Cabot.

Want to keep reading?

Grab your copy of Can’t Touch now!

(also available in audiobook)

Thanks so much for reading!

Thanks so much for reading Dear Daddy, Please Spank Me!

The next book in the series is Dear Daddy, Please Hold Us

Also by Chara Croft

Taboo Stories

My Brother’s Love

Everything He Needs

Everything He Wants

Free Pass on Halloween Night

Pretty Things

Hurt Me

Other Deliciously Dirty Delights

Can’t Touch

Naughty Boy (a Can’t Touch epilogue)

Take It, Boy

Available in Audio

Can’t Touch

About the Author

Chara Croft writes other love stories under other pen names, but once upon a time someone suggested she write a particularly dirty and delicious kind of story as a Christmas gift for a friend. That friend, Courtney Bassett, loved her gift (My Brother’s Love) and urged Chara to share it with others. Given that Chara had dozens of other stories half-started on her hard drive featuring brothers who love each other a little too much, spanking spanking so much spanking, age play, ABDL, daddy kink, all forms of denial, cock cages, non-con, dub-con, and other hard and soft kinks that would never fit on the pen names she usually writes under, the chance to launch a pen name strictly for those was a gift right back.

If you enjoyed these boys and would like to read some of the other dirty things swimming around in Chara’s head in the future, please consider leaving a review for this book and signing up for Chara’s newsletter so that she can let you know when she writes something else taboo or kinky enough to be published under this pen name.

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