Dear Daddy, Please Spank Me - Chara Croft Page 0,76


Maybe it was just because I’d told myself I couldn’t have him, or maybe it was that seductively sweet but totally oblivious anything-for-you-Tyson attitude of his, but for whatever reason, I’d never been as unrelentingly interested in anyone in my life… something my cock was doing its damndest to make sure I didn’t forget at the moment.

“We can watch whatever you want, Tyson,” Sean said, sitting next to me as stiff and still as a statue, like I’d given him an assignment and he was determined to do it right.

And that eager, breathy voice saying “whatever you want, Tyson”? Yeah, certain parts of me thought that was very right.

Too right, if I was going to keep up with my hands-off policy.

Just right, according to my now locked-and-loaded cock.

I hadn’t bothered to make room for Sean when he squeezed in next to me since I was not at all opposed to some forced proximity, and with my 6’4” frame spread out in the exact center of the couch, that meant I’d left him just enough room to wedge himself between the arm of the couch and my thigh.

That’s right, I now had the sweet little body I’d been so good about keeping my hands off up until now pressed right up against my thigh.

I adjusted my dick again—loose basketball shorts or not, I was so primed just from sitting next to him that shit was starting to get uncomfortable—and this time, I didn’t even bother trying to be subtle. And… yep. No mistaking it. Sean’s eyes darted away from the screen for a split second to watch and—fuck me sideways—the tip of his little pink tongue darted out to wet his lips as he took in just how happy to see him I was.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Was I finally managing to turn the kid on?

I started to grin, then realized what a fucking idiot I was being. I’d gone two thirds of the school year without fucking this up, and now just because I was horny, I was risking spoiling my perfect living situation?

I sat up, pulling my arm off the back of the couch where it had been draped behind him and giving him a little space. I hated to do it, but hands off, right? That was the smart course to take, just like I’d been telling myself since day one.

Time to do the smart thing.

“You know you don’t have to watch this shit just because I asked you to, swee—uh, Sean,” I made myself say, impressing myself with my ability to ignore my raging hard-on in favor of the kind of mature decision-making skills I normally gave zero fucks about. “You should go do your homework.”

He didn’t move for a full minute, then his shoulders slumped, just the tiniest bit. “Okay,” he said, so softly I could barely hear it. “If you don’t want me—”

“I do,” I blurted out, my dick overriding all those mature skills I’d just been giving myself a mental pat on the back for.

Sean’s head whipped around to face me, his eyes going wide.

So fucking pretty.

Ignore them.

I forced a smile. “I just know how dedicated you are to your studies, baby. You shouldn’t neglect that shit just because I want you to... uh, watch TV with me.”

I wanted a hell of a lot more than that, but even if I’d let slip with another “baby,” at least I’d caught myself before I admitted anything else.

Sean blushed, right on schedule. Then he yanked the rug out from under all my good intentions: “But I like doing what you want, Tyson.”

“Oh, damn,” I said, choking on a laugh as I scrubbed a hand over my face and tried to pretend that little confession hadn’t just made my cock sing. “Uh, you shouldn’t say stuff like that, Sean.”

He blinked those big baby blues at me, nibbling on his lip. “I shouldn’t?” he finally asked, turning to angle his body toward me on the couch even though I’m pretty sure he didn’t realize what he was doing. “But why not? It’s true.”

I laughed again, because goddamn. If it were anyone else, I’d think he was teasing me on purpose, but this was Sean. Innocent as fuck and too damn sweet to have a clue what he was doing to me.

“You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?” I said, tugging his swollen lip out from between his teeth because I was a glutton for punishment.

So fucking soft and wet. I wanted it.

“What?” Sean whispered, looking confused.

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