Dear Daddy, Please Spank Me - Chara Croft Page 0,74


I’d say that I wasn’t sure whose dick he’d had to suck to land in upperclassman housing for his freshman year, except that even without him tossing that “I don’t know any gay people” line into his introduction, it had become obvious pretty quickly that he was too damn straight to have ever so much as seen a dick other than his own, much less gotten his wet dream of a mouth on one.

How could I tell? Well, in addition to my own predilection for walking around in as few clothes as possible, I made sure to keep up a steady stream of man-candy coming and going at all times, and not once had I seen Sean’s eyes stray or any telltale bulge-action happening in his pants. And yeah, I’d looked for it. Thought about it way too damn much, too… including when I was balls-deep in some other little blond twink. Generally one I’d picked up because of how much he reminded me of my all-time favorite roommate.

Sean never brought anyone home himself and spent too much time here studying to be dating anyone on the side. Hell, I wasn’t even sure the kid ever jerked off… another thing I’d kept my eyes and ears open for.

Straight or not, the way he was always so quick to try and make me happy, I figured I could probably get him to bend over for me and like it if I ever pushed the issue, but I’d decided on a strict hands-off policy as soon as I’d realized what a good thing I had going with having scored him for a roommate. Young and innocent and sheltered and eager to please… the thing was that I liked the kid, a bit too much to make him just another notch on my bedpost. Well, that and the fact that I was also too damn selfish to want to fuck with how smooth our home life was, no matter how much my dick tried to convince me it would be worth it.

Hadn’t stopped me from slipping a little lately, though. Calling him sweetheart and baby and sugar, just to see him blush. Accidentally-on-purpose rubbing up against him to double- and triple-check my theory about whether or not it might turn him on. Heaping on the praise for all the sweet-as-shit things he did for me every day, since that always got me more blushes plus a kind of dazed, happy look that almost made him look well-fucked.

And… shit. I was fully hard now just from thinking about it. What I needed to do, once and for all, was stop fucking tempting myself with what I’d already decided not to go for. I flipped back to the show with the explosions, spreading my legs wide to give my package some room and draping both arms over the back of the couch to make sure I kept my hands off it until it calmed the fuck down and forgot about Sean and his temptation of a mouth and perfect, heart-shaped little ass.

Didn’t help that he chose that moment to wrap up whatever he’d been fussing with in the kitchen and walk right past me, that sweet little ass I’d just decided not to think about anymore swaying just enough to make me groan.

“Did you say something, Tyson?” he asked, whirling to face me. All big eyes and hopeful, please-tell-me-what-I-can-do-for-you smile.

I cleared my throat, all too aware of the steel pole lying flush against my thigh. “Got homework?” I asked, my voice sounding like gravel anyway.

Hands off, Tyson. And no, he did not just sneak a peek at my junk, did he? Had to be my wishful thinking.

“Yeah,” Sean said, breathing the word out on a sigh as his shoulders slumped a little. “Um, I always have homework.”

My lip quirked up. Little overachiever. He was so damn cute and sincere. Taking classes way above my pay grade even though he was two years behind me. I knew he was here on all sorts of scholarships—academic ones instead of an athletic one, like me—and that his parents were overbearing assholes with high expectations. Out-of-state parents, thank fuck. It made me grit my teeth every time I heard him on the phone with them, and even if I only caught one side of those conversations, I could guaran-damn-tee you that they didn’t appreciate their boy like they should. It wasn’t just me he liked to please. They said jump and he said how high… then made sure to Copyright 2016 - 2024