Dear Daddy, Please Spank Me - Chara Croft Page 0,71

in half a smile that… shit. Made my heart beat funny. “Well, not here in the kitchen,” he joked like a total dork.

“Dude,” I said, a stupid amount of relief slamming through me. Then, before he could get on me for calling him that, I self-corrected. “I mean, Daddy.”

That should have felt weird to call him outside of sex, especially since I’d been calling him Andy throughout dinner, but if I was staying over, it kind of didn’t?

But wait, he hadn’t actually said yes…

“But for real, uh, just to make sure,” I said, rubbing my wet hands on the sides of my pants until he handed me a dish towel. “You really want me to sleep over?”

Andy cocked his head to the side and looked at me funny for a second without answering, making my stomach get intensely squirrelly, then suddenly crowded in close, pressing me back against the counter and taking the dish towel back from me. He finished drying my hands for me—like what the fuck? But I didn’t hate it—then tossed it aside, kissed me once, hard, and finally answered.

“Jordan. Unless you’re safe wording, I’m telling you to sleep over.”

Oh… shit. My knees went weak, so thank fuck he had me up against the counter, because I suddenly felt stupidly giddy inside, and that plus all the intensity as he watched my face, not even smiling, was making me feel totally off balance.

“Okay,” I said, nodding since he was obviously waiting for me to say something back. “Yeah. Uh, I can stay. And… safe wording is, uh, so we’re still doing that?”

“I hope we’re always doing that,” he said carefully, running his thumb along my jaw. “I’m your Daddy,” he said, his lips finally tilting up in the barest hint of a smile when I leaned my cheek into his palm, greedy for the way he always touched me and made me feel stupidly precious and whatnot. “And in case you missed it earlier,” he went on, just about making my heart stop, “I’m hoping that’s a permanent position. You’re it for me, Jordan Wendt, and I kind of think you always have been.”

My whole body froze, my throat suddenly so tight it actually hurt. I hadn’t missed it when he’d said that earlier. He’d said a lot of shit earlier. Shit that had sounded… well, like a lot. Like a lot of what I’d always known to stay the fuck away from, to be more specific, but that I now wanted so bad I could taste it. But Andy had said all that while he’d been spanking me, which was intense. Then we’d fucked. Also intense. So I’d figured it would be dumb to assume that now, just washing dishes and hanging out and whatnot, he’d still feel that same level of intensity, right?

Or… maybe wrong.

Fuck, I wanted to be wrong.

“Jordan?” Andy prompted, his voice sounding strained. “Baby, talk to me.”

“Uh, permanent is pretty, you know, permanent,” I said, which made Andy drop his hand and his eyes go dim, because obviously I was on the verge of fucking this up when what I really wanted to do was ignore a whole lifetime of evidence about shit that seemed too good to be true actually being too good to be true and believe that sometimes, or at least this time, shit that felt too good to be true—specifically, all the shit Andy had said in the heat of all those intense moments—actually was true.

I wanted it to be true.

I wanted permanent.

“I’m just saying,” I blurted when Andy’s eyes got tight at the corners and he looked like he was about to pull away, knowing I needed to salvage this before I really did fuck it up... but then realizing once I’d blurted it out that I, uh, didn’t actually know what I was saying.

No, that wasn’t true. I knew what I wanted to say, I just didn’t know how to say it.

“Jordan,” Andy said after I’d paused too long, still looking pained in a way that made my chest hurt. “I’m sorry, petal. That was too much. I shouldn’t have said—”

“Wait,” I jumped in, my heart pounding. “Shit. I mean, sugar. Daddy, I…”

I swallowed, only realizing I’d grabbed onto his arms, was probably fucking bruising him, when he suddenly smiled.

I dropped my hands. “Sorry.”

“I’m not,” he said, wrapping a hand around the back of my neck that instantly settled something inside me, just because he was touching me again. “Because you’re still calling me Daddy. And Copyright 2016 - 2024