Dear Daddy, Please Spank Me - Chara Croft Page 0,39

was freaking the fuck out inside? That wasn’t good. Definitely not. Pretty unlikely to lead to mutual orgasms, either.

But worse?

“We just need to talk,” he said, making me break out in a cold sweat.

Oh, hell no.

Not what I came for.

Not what I was good at.

Not happening… and luckily, I already had a plan in place to avoid it.

I dropped to my knees, leaning in to rub my cheek against his bulge. He may have caught me freaking out, but I bet I could make him forget that shit pretty fast once I got him in my mouth.

“Jordan,” Andy said, his hands landing on my head, fingers running through my hair. “I need to know what happened first, baby. I’m glad you’re here, but you were running scared after last time, and I need to… ungh.”

I would have grinned if my mouth hadn’t now been otherwise occupied. Because that’s right, Daddy. What you need is my mouth, and when I opened it wide and planted it right over his bulge, fuck if it didn’t give me a little thrill to have his hands suddenly tighten on my head and hear that sexy grunt he made, stopping that other "we have to talk" shit in its tracks.


“Jordan,” Andy said, his voice a little huskier this time. “Talk to me first.”

He wasn’t pushing me away, though, and the way his cock was starting to thicken in his jeans? Yeah. Pretty sure I could change his mind about that.

“Talk?” I asked, smirking as I looked up, still rubbing my face over his bulge so I could get my fix, breathing in the distinctive scent of a cock that needed sucking. “You sure that’s what you want me to do with my mouth right now?”

“Jordan...” he growled, tugging on my hair as his eyes went dark. “Up.”

Oh shit… that was hot. And fuck if it didn’t make my mouth run away with me. “Or what, Daddy? You’re going to put me over your knee?”

“Jesus,” he muttered as I stared up at him and mouthed his cock through his jeans again.

Would he do it? Another spanking wasn’t what I’d come for, and I’d kind of been kidding, right? Just mouthing off? But… fuck. Would he? Did I want him to? Would he?

A wave of heat rocked through me, my ass throbbing with the memory of that hot ache he’d put into it when he’d spanked me before, but no could I actually want that again. Andy's version of spanking was way too… real.

I ran my tongue up the straining length of his denim-covered shaft and then closed my lips to suck on it through his jeans, keeping my eyes on him and trying to remember that I had a plan here. I didn’t want him to take over and start doing all that Daddy stuff again… right? Just blow and go.

“Jesus,” he whispered again when I sucked a little harder, his eyes drifting half closed for a second. “Your mouth.”

I rocked back on my heels and his hands fell away from where he'd been holding me.

I grabbed them, put one back on my head and brought the other to my mouth, sucking his fingers in deep, swirling my tongue around them for a second to give him a taste of what I had to offer.

“You like my mouth?” I asked once I popped them out. “Because it’s yours if you want it... Daddy.”

And fuck, I was just trying to get to him by calling him that, but I kind of affected myself, too.

I rubbed him through his jeans, circling my thumb over his cockhead. “Let me take your dick out,” I said, my voice the husky one now. “Let me be good for you, like you said, Daddy.”

“That’s really what you want right now?” Andy asked, growing even thicker under my hand.

“Yeah,” I said, saliva pooling in my mouth. I swallowed. “Please… Daddy.”

Shit, I couldn't stop dropping the D-word now, not with the way it made his eyes flare so hot every time.

He cupped my jaw, tilting my head up and running his thumb over my lips. “You know I’ll still need you to tell me what happened. Why you disappeared on me.”

I shook my head. Not interested. So... fuck. Why did my mouth open up without my permission and tell him anyway?

“I want it too bad.”

“I know, baby,” Andy said, giving me one of those smiles that made all this Daddy shit feel too damn real. “But you don’t need to worry about that. I’ve Copyright 2016 - 2024