A Deal with the Devil - Angel Lawson Page 0,102

feels like a low-level burn.” She coats her already inch-long eyelashes in black. “She also says it’s kind of erotic. Like pleasurable pain. That’s why it’s so addictive.”

Obviously, these girls are all in. Emory is all in. I’m the one who’s not because I got into this with ulterior motives. But just talking to the girls makes me reconsider. If I’m doing this, really doing it, I need to be all-in. Getting the tattoo will be proof that I went all the way, that I’m committed. Maybe Elana is right. Maybe I’m making too big a deal of it.

I watch Elana apply her makeup as Afton’s feet swing against the counter, eyes fixed on the screen of her phone, and something occurs to me.

I’m currently in the combined presence of more boy experience than Sydney’s ever had.

My voice still comes out nervous and reluctant. “Can I…ask you two a question?”

Elana’s curious eyes jump to mine through the reflection. “Shoot.”

“I kind of need some advice about…guys.”

Elana takes this in stride, casually listing off, “No matter what they say, boners don’t hurt, pulling out isn’t effective birth control, and it’s never just the tip.”

“Good to know.” I say slowly.

Afton says, “But I’m guessing you had something more specific than that.”

I nod, dropping my bag with theirs, underneath the paper towel dispenser. “So…say there’s this guy.”

In unison, they both slowly turn to me. “Isn’t there always?” Afton replies.

I nod stiffly, suddenly unable to meet their eyes. “Say there’s this guy and you kissed, but then he said it was a mistake.”

They both give twin ‘ughs'.

“Those guys are the worst,” Elana mutters, fluffing her hair.

But Afton tilts her head. “But it was, though. Emory would absolutely crush him.”

Elana grimaces. “Yeah, good point.”

“That’s exactly what I mean,” I groan. “How do I tell if he thought it was a mistake because of Em, or if it’s because he’s just not into me like that.”

Afton’s looks at me thoughtfully. “Well, who kissed whom?”

“I kissed him,” I admit, but hastily add, “he seemed really into it, though.”

“Okay, wait.” Elana’s hands make a timeout signal. “We’re going to need details. Where were his hands?”

I think. “On my face?” The same face that is now bright red.

Afton perks. “That’s a good sign.”

“It is?”

Elana agrees, “Totally. How long did it last?”

“Just like… I don’t know. A minute?” They both frown and I quickly amend, “Maybe two. Time kind of stopped.”

Elana gives me a knowing grin. “That hot, huh?”

Afton offers, “I think you’re free to test the waters,” and I remember that she’s with someone who had probably—hopefully—told her the same thing. That it was a mistake.

“How do I do that?”

Elana gives a slow smile. “This is a detail-oriented endeavor. You need to see how he acts around you.”

Afton agrees, “See where he looks, how he stands, the way he treats you.”

“I’m not really sure what to look for,” I admit, feeling embarrassed.

“Well, we’ll start with how he treats you,” Elana begins. “If a guy is really into you, he’ll act like you’re the only one in the room when you’re around. His eyes will keep finding you, know what I mean? And speaking of eyes…” She smiles wisely. “Every guy loves tits and asses, so that’s a complete bust, but if he’s doing it a lot, you might be onto something. Some guys have a ‘thing’ though. You just have to find their kryptonite.”

Afton pitches in, “Sebastian and lips.”

Elana nods. “You can tell when he’s into someone because his eyes are totally glued to her mouth. A little strategic lip gloss could bring that guy to his knees.”

“And then there’s Carlton and his hair thing,” Afton adds, twirling a lock of hair around her finger. “Tyson has a fixation with necks, you can tell whenever you wear your hair up. And then there’s Reynolds.” Afton and Elana lock gazes before their eyes roll.

In unison, they say, “Legs.”

“Wait,” I say, heart skipping a beat. “What?”

“Don’t you notice?” Elana asks. “He’s constantly looking at girls’ thighs.”

“Constantly,” Afton stresses. “I swear, my salon should throw that boy a bonus. All the girls around here scurrying to get waxed and exfoliated just to catch his eye? They’re having a good fiscal quarter.”

I turn that over in my mind, trying to remember if he’s looked at my legs, but instead I’m just wondering if any of those other legs have ‘caught his eye’. Legs? Why haven’t I been paying attention to this stuff? I’ve totally thrown away weeks of important analytics. I guess, “So you

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