Deadly Touch - Heather Graham Page 0,95

over those buildings, all the way to the water.

He had a handsome chrome-and-glass desk with a computer set up on it, and matching filing cabinets that accented the ultramodern look of the office. Even his desk phone was framed with chrome. Comfortable but businesslike chairs sat in front of the desk with his swivel chair behind it, with wall cabinets lined up in easy reach.

He indicated they should take the chairs in front of his desk.

He looked at them anxiously. “I went by the hospital this morning before I came here. They say Jordan’s stable, and I guess that’s all that they’ll say officially, but the nurse I spoke with seemed optimistic. Nothing’s changed, right?”

He looked at Raina worriedly as he finished speaking.

“Nothing has changed,” Raina said softly. “Not that we know about, anyway.”

He frowned slightly. “What do you think he was doing out in the middle of the Everglades alone? I can’t even fathom how he got out there. I mean, the only logical thing is that someone took him, probably against his will. Do you think this is related to the case that brought you here, Axel? Do you think someone meant to slit his throat? But no, it was a python! I know a dog or a small child could be a nice little morsel for a snake, but Jordan isn’t small. I’m sorry. All of this is just so bizarre.”

“It was a damned big snake. Close to the largest found out there, I’d bet,” Axel said. “Frankly, I can’t imagine how that constrictor might have gotten such a huge meal into his mouth, either. I just know he was wrapped around him. But no, we can’t figure out how he got out there in the first place.”

“Jordan is really one of the nicest guys in the world,” Tate said. “They like to mock lawyers, call us sharks, but that wasn’t Jordan at all. He fought hard and passionately for people. And I can’t imagine why anyone would want to harm him. Me, maybe. I’ve defended some people who probably deserved more than they got. I could see...well, I’ve defended a few murderers. Drug dealers. No matter what the crime, by our justice system, everyone deserves to put up the strongest defense the law allows.”

“You don’t know of any cases where there might have been some bad blood? Someone who wanted to come after Jordan?”

Tate sat back, shaking his head and looking baffled. “We have a meeting once a week. We all go over every case that’s been brought into the firm. Criminal and civil. Jordan’s recent cases have been against corporations, ones with enough money to make settlements. He has gotten the best for his people. But seriously, I can’t think of a situation where anyone would want to come after him.”

“What about his personal life?” Axel asked.

Tate gave him a quizzical look. “Well, you know as much about that as I do. We were all joking at dinner the other night. Jordan hasn’t been serious about anyone in a long time. He does usually show up at events with someone different each time.”

“Did you know he knew Jennifer Lowry, the young woman whose body we found on the embankment just into the Everglades?”

Tate frowned. He shook his head.

“No. I didn’t know he knew her. I mean, he never brought her anywhere. He might have met her at this club he liked to go to. Jordan never liked really loud places. Well, Raina, you know. He loves music, has always loved music, but hates DJs who go from one pounding beat to the next. I can’t think of the name of the place he liked. I went there with him once. He talked to all kinds of people that night. What was it? Oh, Sunshine and Moonlight!” He was proud of himself for remembering the name of the place, but then he paused again. “Oh, God. That means I might have met her, too.”

“He cared about her,” Axel said. “You don’t remember him introducing her to you by name?”

Tate thought a minute and then shook his head slowly. “No. But I only went there with him once. He might have seen her at another time.”

“What about anyone else here?” Raina asked him.

“I think I’m as close as anyone here,” Tate said. He frowned suddenly. “I did just think of something. Sorry—not associated with any outing. Well, yes, I guess in a weird way. The night I was out with him, he did meet someone at the Copyright 2016 - 2024