Deadly Touch - Heather Graham Page 0,59


But he was moving fast then, heading out of the club as quickly as he could go. She stared after him, remembering the strange feeling she’d had after touching the couch where he had been sitting at her house that day. Was it because Jordan had known Jennifer Lowry? Perhaps because he had cared about her so much? They had only seen each other here and never really had a date.

And he’d been with another woman that afternoon.

Raina heard a voice behind her.


It was Nigel, certainly weary of holding down the table himself.

“He didn’t kill her,” she said with certainty.


She shook her head. “I don’t know what it is. He had no idea she was even dead. I guess he never saw that likeness in the news, and Jennifer’s name hasn’t been released to the media yet. But his behavior was so strange.” She turned to look at Nigel. “It seemed as if he was really and deeply involved with her, but he’d only seen her a few times.”

“We should join Axel,” Nigel said, pointing closer to the stage where Axel was now at a table with Frank Peters and Loretta Oster.

They were both dressed for a night out. Not an elegant night out, but a casual Miami night out. Loretta was wearing a flowery maxi dress with little studded sandals.

Frank was in a light denim jacket and an open-neck blue shirt, hair freshly washed and slicked back.

Raina realized she had always thought of the two as teachers. Not that she had seen much of them since she’d left middle school.

But she had come across them now and then. Especially after they had become involved with the fundraising event.

“Hi!” Loretta said. For the first time, Raina found herself wondering about Loretta’s and Frank’s ages. When she’d been thirteen, anyone over twenty had seemed ancient. Now she realized when she’d been thirteen, the two had probably been in their mid-to late twenties. They were still young.

And involved? If so, for how long?

“Hey!” she said, forcing a smile.

“Take a chair,” Frank told her. “It’s nice to see you out. You are one hardworking young lady. Your act was wonderful.”

“I’m not really an act. I was just showing a training technique. I’m hoping they’ll have children working with animals. It’s amazing how therapeutic animals can be.”

“Pit Bulls and Parolees,” Frank said.

“Something like that, yes. Dogs are incredibly loyal creatures and working with them can be good for children and adults,” she said. She glanced at Axel, who’d pulled out a chair for her.

How had the conversation been going thus far?

“We didn’t get to meet,” Nigel told them.

“You’re Detective Nigel Ferrer, a very old friend of Axel, and a county detective. Axel has been telling us all about you.”

“Oh, good things, I hope.” He frowned teasingly at Axel. “Did he tell you that I’m always hungry, or something like that?”

“Hungry—for information,” Axel protested.

Raina smiled and hoped her smile wasn’t too plastic.

Frank leaned forward and said, “You’re all just out for the night? The three of you?” He leaned back. “Strange date,” he said, eyeing them one by one.

Loretta giggled. “Frank! Please. They’re all grown-ups...”

“They are not on a three-way date, Loretta,” Frank said. “I saw that sketch on the news. It’s online, too. I think I saw that young lady in here a few times. I’m betting that’s why the three of them are here. Raina, are you giving up dog training to join law enforcement?”

“No, not at all,” Raina said quickly.

Loretta giggled. “Then there is something going on between the two of you!”

“The two of them?” Frank said. “There’s three of them.”

“Well, she was with Axel last night,” Loretta said. “Such lovely young people—it’s a delight. Okay, well, perhaps the reason you’ve met again is not the best, but fate will have its way. Lovely, lovely, lovely!”

Frank didn’t seem to think anything was too lovely. He might not have heard a thing Loretta had said.

He stared from Axel to Nigel.

“You’re here because that girl in the sketch came here, and she’s the victim you found in the Everglades,” he said.

“Yes,” Axel said. It was his turn to lean forward. “So, you knew her from the sketch? You knew you’d seen her and she came here?”

Frank waved a hand in the air. “It was a sketch. A good one. But no one knows anything from a sketch. And I can’t say I knew her. I believe we’ve seen her. But tons of people come here, young and old.”

“Did you ever see her with anyone?” Copyright 2016 - 2024