Deadly Touch - Heather Graham Page 0,36

told him they might need to search for a missing friend, and he lifted his ears and his tail and one paw, staring out at the audience.

She had people laughing and clapping. And then she told the dog they needed to do a duet.

Axel had never seen anything like it. A young man, perhaps seventeen or eighteen, came out with a guitar. Raina sang Neil Young’s “Old King” with a beautiful, clear voice. That in itself was a talent, but the amazing part was the fact the dog managed to let out a howling sound for the last two lines of each verse that sounded as if it were in true harmony.

She ended by telling the dog she loved him.

Titan seemed to bark, howl or whine out the words, as well, even if it was a bit like, “I ruf you.”

Raina and Titan were met with thunderous applause and a standing ovation. Axel applauded along with the others, wanting to go to her and tell her she was amazing—except she was swamped.

Titan might have been a fantastic performer, but he wasn’t really welcome in the dining room. Raina disappeared backstage with him. Axel glanced at Robert.

Raina’s brother smiled and said, “Raina will be back out in a minute. Clive is a good guy, and he’ll let her have dinner with us. If we don’t see her soon, I’ll sneak back to Titan with some of my meat!”

A high school glee club came up next.

They left the stage, and Elly came on to thank people, to tell them to socialize and not to forget to purchase raffle tickets.

Then Raina emerged from backstage. He rose, thinking she’d join them quickly and get to have her main course.

But people were rising to greet her and talk.

He watched as the table next to him rose one by one, catching Raina on her way to the table.

Tate Fielding was up, catching her and pulling her to him, kissing her on the cheek and whispering something in her ear. She moved back from him a little awkwardly, but smiled and said something. Jordan gave her a hug, as did Mya and her husband and then Frank Peters.

The others at the table shook her hand and she finally begged away, but was stopped by a grade school girl who wanted to say something.

Raina stooped to talk to her for a minute, leaving the girl with a brilliant smile as she ran back to her table. Raina stood, glancing his way.

He noted she hadn’t worn the dress that had been tried on by Jennifer Lowry, but the black cocktail gown she had chosen fit her just as well.

At last, she joined them at the table.

Naturally, everyone there applauded her.

“My darling,” Lucia told her, “I know Titan is a special dog, but how the hell did you do that?”

“Oh, I didn’t really do it,” Raina said. “Some dogs are just naturals.” She laughed. “Check out YouTube. You’ll find dozens of dogs that sing, especially huskies. They should really come up with a husky choir somewhere along the line. Now, that would be cool!”

“Excuse me,” Robert told them, pushing back from the table. “I see one of our police captains I work with. I’m going to say hello. And, my friends, you are not limited to socializing here. Go forth and buy raffle tickets.”

“Raina is just getting to her chicken!” Lucia protested.

“It’s not chicken! It’s Cornish game hen!” Robert said.

“It’s fancy chicken. For a great cause, though,” Lucia returned.

They were comfortable together, Axel thought. Raina and Lucia, certainly, and Robert—and even Jeremy and Larry.

They’d drawn the better table. It seemed the one next to them had been a little stiff. Maybe not. Maybe he was feeling just a bit of a rise in the green eyes there. He wondered if anything had ever gone on between Tate Fielding and Raina or perhaps Jordan and Raina. Or maybe there had been some awkward dating while they’d matured from teens to adults.

And then he warned himself that it had nothing to do with the situation at hand.


“I’m happy sitting here with Raina,” he said. “You all feel free to go get those raffle tickets.”

“I think I’m done already,” Raina said. “Not too hungry. We can all be good attendees. Socialize and buy raffle tickets.”

She pushed her plate aside, having taken only a few bites.

“Kiddo, you’re going to be hungry,” Lucia warned.

“Adrenaline, or something,” Raina said. “Really, all of you, you’re being wonderfully polite, but it’s not necessary. I haven’t had a chance Copyright 2016 - 2024