Deadly Row, A - By Casey Mayes Page 0,25

wondering who your biggest fan was. Well, say hello to her.”

I offered her my hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Stay right here. Don’t move,” Betsy said.

“Where’s she going?” I asked Sherry as the woman hurried quickly back across the street.

“I have no idea. She’s a hoot, isn’t she?”

“She’s something, all right.”

A minute later, Betsy came back waving a newspaper in her hand. “I got it. Would you mind signing this for me? It would be such an honor.”

“Of course, I’d be delighted,” I said. I was rarely asked for an autograph outside of a puzzle convention. There I was treated like some kind of minor celebrity, but in everyday life, no one seemed to know—or care—who I was, or what I did for a living.

After I signed the puzzle, she took it back and stared at my autograph for a few seconds. “You just made my day. Sorry, I’m usually not this ditsy, but I always get this way around famous people.”

Sherry and I both laughed, and to Betsy’s credit, she smiled back.

I explained, “I’m really not all that much of anything important.”

“Trust her, she’s telling the truth,” Sherry said.

“Well, you are to me.”

That got us laughing again.

“Sorry. Old friends, inside jokes,” I said.

“Are you kidding? I’m thrilled. You’re even nicer than Sherry said you were.”

I looked at my old friend. “You’ve been talking about me?”

“How many neighborhood stories can I tell that you or your husband aren’t in? Bring him by, too, okay?”

“No promises. You know how he gets when he’s on a case.”

“I thought he was retired,” Betsy said.

“He’s consulting with the Charlotte police,” I said.

“Wow, you two must lead pretty exciting lives.”

“It’s not that different from everyone else,” I said.

There was a car honking behind us, and I saw a lanky young man who had to be Justin. “Sorry, I’ve got to go.”

“Is it time for another test?” Sherry asked.

“You know it.”

“Tell him I said good luck.”

“Will do. It’s such a pleasure meeting you,” Betsy said as she shook my hand again.

After she was gone, Sherry explained, “Her husband wouldn’t let Justin take his driving test until he got a B average in school.You’ve never seen a boy study so hard. The bad thing is, he was so nervous when he finally did take it, he flunked his first test. It’s driving Betsy as crazy as it is him.”

“She seems nice.”

“She is, but she’s not you. I miss you, Savannah.”

“I miss you, too,” I said. “I’ll give you a call later when things settle down a little.”

“I won’t hold my breath,” she said with a grin. “Things never seem to calm down when you’re around.”

“Is that a crack at me, young lady?”

“Are you kidding? I miss the excitement. Call me.”

“I will,” I said.

After I got in my car, I drove off quickly, not wanting to linger a moment longer. My life had changed, but there was a part of me that would always be there on that street. It made me a little sad to leave it again, but that was far outweighed by the sense of warmth I’d felt, wrapped up again in my best friend’s love. Sherry was one of those friends that life gave us sometimes, but only if we were very, very lucky. It had been as if we hadn’t missed a day since the last time we’d seen each other, picking up exactly where we’d left it. I cherished her friendship, and all that she meant to me. I was glad she’d found someone in my old house to be friends with, but even more, that there was still such a big place in her heart for me.

I might not have a lot of money, or ever be famous, but in terms of my friendships and the love my husband and I shared, I was the richest woman in the world.

Chapter 6

“WOW, YOU’RE EARLY,” I SAID AS MY HUSBAND WALKED into our hotel suite later that evening.

“It’s nearly seven,” he said as he looked around and whistled. “Man, this place is something else, isn’t it?”

“Just wait. Let me give you the grand tour.”

“Forget that. Look at that skyline. I can’t wait until it gets dark.”

“While you’re admiring the view, let me order something from room service.”

“I thought you wanted to go out,” he said, stifling a yawn.

“I’ve got a feeling you wouldn’t be very good company,” I said. “We’ll eat in tonight, and you can take me somewhere special another night. Did you make any progress since I saw you?”

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