Deadly Row, A - By Casey Mayes Page 0,14


“Savannah, it would please me for you to use this suite, and anything else my hotel has to offer.”

“Is there any reason in particular you’re being so nice to me?”

“The second victim, Cindy Glass, was my personal secretary,” he said plainly, all joy gone from his voice. “I want her death avenged, and from everything I’ve heard, your husband is the only man capable of catching the killer.”

“Thank you,” I said. “He’ll do his best, and please know that we appreciate your generosity. It’s very sweet of you, Barton.”

“Think nothing of it. If you need anything, or would like to get in contact with me, Garrett will take care of it. I hope someday we’ll have the pleasure of meeting face to face under better circumstances.”

“That would be nice.”

“Now, if you will, give me back to Garrett.”

The hotel manager took the phone, and as he kept repeating, “Yes, sir. Of course. I understand,” I looked around the suite. My gaze was drawn outside before I even looked at the furnishings. The skyline of Charlotte, in all its glory, was laid out before me, and I couldn’t wait for Zach to see it. We loved the mountains, but Charlotte had a lure for us as well, and here in the clouds, we could see the Queen City’s beautiful architecture from a perspective few people had ever enjoyed.

I was still standing there taking it all in when I realized that Garrett was off the phone.

“Is there anything else I can get you?” he asked.

“No thank you. I’ve got to get us settled in, and then I’m going to rejoin my husband at police headquarters.” I looked around the room and took in a sitting area with furniture nicer than anything I’d ever owned in my life. The style was Queen Anne throughout, with shades of burgundy and black everywhere.

“I’ll take care of settling you in then, if you wouldn’t mind,” he said.

“Who exactly is Barton Lane?” I asked. “Forgive me, but I’ve never heard of him before.”

“He’d be delighted to hear that, since he prides himself on his privacy. I’ve spoken to him half a dozen times since I became manager, and that was fourteen years ago. Mr. Lane has a policy that as long as the job is being done efficiently, there’s no need for direct supervision, or even contact, for that matter.”

“I’m sure you’re very good at what you do,” I said.

I wondered what Zach and Steve were doing at that moment, and though I knew it was too soon for my husband to investigate anything outside the command center, I was still uneasy not knowing if he was safe. I was going to have to get over that impulse when Zach was working on a case, but I hadn’t managed to do it so far.

Garrett handed me the keys, and as we left the suite, I took a second to gaze once again at that skyline view. My husband was going to be thrilled, if he wasn’t already in the muck and mire of a killer’s mind.

Chapter 4

“SAVANNAH? WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN TOWN? DID YOU and Zach move back to Charlotte?”

I was in the lobby heading for my car when I turned to see who was talking to me. “Lorna, how are you?” I hugged my old friend, and then I explained, “We didn’t move back. Zach and I are just visiting.” I wasn’t about to tell her why we were really here.

“How have you been? We really miss you around here.” Lorna Gaither had gone out with Grady for nearly a year before he’d broken the relationship off shortly before we left town.

“Thanks for asking. I’m good. How are you?” Lorna and I had become friends when she and Grady had been dating, and after the breakup, we’d stayed in touch. Right after things had ended with Grady, I’d had the distinct impression that Lorna blamed me for her relationship woes, though I hadn’t had anything to do with it. If she still held it against me though, I couldn’t tell by her demeanor.

“I’m doing fine,” she said, and I could see in her eyes that it was true. “I owe you more thanks than I can say. Breaking me up with Grady was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

“I thought you knew that I didn’t have anything to do with it,” I said. “I was as surprised as you were when he broke it off with you.”

“Then I take my thanks back,” she said Copyright 2016 - 2024