Deadly Notions - By Elizabeth Lynn Casey Page 0,75

and spatulas around. “Um, okay, that’s a—a good idea. Between dinner and”—she swept her hand toward the scraps of paper that littered the kitchen table—“work, it’s best if I stay inside anyway.”

It was impossible not to sense the woman’s disappointment. And, for a moment, she couldn’t help but feel bad for Beth even though she knew Leona would have a fit.

But how could she not feel bad? Milo Wentworth was one in a million. She knew that and so did Beth. Experience had taught them that at very different times in their lives. Tori had come upon Milo after running up against a man who was the complete opposite in terms of honor. Beth, on the other hand, had essentially started with honor and tossed it aside out of youthful ignorance.

Determined to find a way to make things right, Tori wandered over to the table in search of a true conversational topic—something that didn’t necessitate Beth’s need to prance and twirl in front of Milo. Slowly, she scanned the various sticky notes scattered around, the woman’s stick figure fashion show bringing a smile to her lips. “I bet you’re beyond excited to get your designs on a runway.”

Beth shoved the drawer closed and turned around. “It’s almost all I think about.”

“It’s going to be wonderful, I’m sure.”

“Hey, let’s talk more about this over dinner.” Milo captured Tori’s hand in his and tugged her toward the back door. “C’mon, I’m dying to have a little time alone with you.”

Halfway to the door, she stopped. “I need to give Nina a quick call first. To check on what time we’re meeting tonight.”

“You have a board meeting?”

“No. We’re just meeting at the bakery to discuss the teen group we’re getting ready to start. There’s a few details we need to iron out and we thought it might be more fun to do it over dessert rather than huddled around the information desk.”

“Okay. I’ll meet you outside.”

She turned in the opposite direction as he disappeared out the back door, her feet guiding her toward the front room and its noticeably better cell coverage.



Beth’s heels clicked across the floor, stopping just inside the hallway. “I’m not sure what you’re trying to prove by showing up here like this.”

“Trying to prove?”

“Haven’t you heard of a little thing called a phone?”

“Milo asked me to come over after work.”

“Because he’s being polite.” Beth tucked her hands against her hips. “That’s what guys like Milo do when they’re trying to let girls like you down easily.”

She blinked against the ridiculousness that was Beth Samuelson. “Girls like me?”

Beth nodded, her gaze skimming its way down Tori’s stonewashed jeans and simple pink T-shirt. “Simple girls. Prudish girls. Bo-ring girls.”

“I don’t have time for this.” Pulling her phone from her purse, she flipped it open, her thoughts swirling between the desire to remain a lady and the urge to scratch the woman’s eyes out. “I’d be careful if I were you, Beth. We don’t want Milo seeing your true colors.”

A low, mirthless laugh escaped Beth’s lips. “Milo sees what I want him to see. Which is rather eye-catching, wouldn’t you say?” Beth rose up on tiptoes and spun around in a little circle. “And fortunately for me, I’m in need of a white knight as of late—a role Milo falls for every single time.”

“Falls for?” she echoed against a throat that was suddenly tight with frustration. “Are you saying you’ve been lying about being in danger this whole time?”

“Lying might be a bit strong. After all, I really was worried in the beginning. But, the more he ran to my side, the more I came to realize Milo still cares for me. In fact, all I have to do is cry wolf and he comes running. Which really must beg the question as to when he’ll finally give up the charade and drop you once and for all.”

“Actually, the only question it begs is how I could be so blind.”

Tori looked up as Beth whirled around and grabbed for Milo’s hand. “Milo! I don’t know what you heard but—”

“I heard more than enough, Beth. Now get your stuff and get out. Now!”

Chapter 28

Try as she might she couldn’t make herself focus on the list of ideas Nina had put together for their meeting—not the food donations she’d managed to line up from both Leeson’s Market and the bakery, not the authors she’d contacted regarding appearances, and not the emails she’d wrangled from the board in support of the program.

It wasn’t that she’d Copyright 2016 - 2024