Deadly Notions - By Elizabeth Lynn Casey Page 0,27

stepped down off her stool, the click of her heels and the sexy purr of her voice making more than a few heads turn in their direction. “Fifteen years ago, to be exact.”

Chapter 10

She pulled the ordering sheet closer to the computer and splayed her fingers across the keyboard. The best-selling author had always been wildly popular but his latest effort had blown away everyone’s expectations. The result? A lengthy wait list that was simply unacceptable for her patrons.

“How many more copies are you going to order?” Nina clutched a pile of books to her chest and peered over Tori’s shoulders.

“Two. That’ll get us up to six copies.” She typed in the necessary information and then pressed Send, the order form disappearing from her screen. “That should help cut down on the frustrated phone calls asking whether a copy has been returned yet.”

Nina laughed in her ear. “I think Mr. Monting has called every day for the past week.”

“When did the copies go out?”

“They all went out about the same time. Maybe nine days ago?”

“We should be seeing them back soon.” Tori punched in the title and read the names of the four people who had checked it out on the very first day. “Wait, maybe not. Tina Stewy took it on vacation. And, knowing her track record, she’ll be calling on the day it’s due asking for an extension. The second copy went to Carter Johnson, the third to his wife.”

“They both checked out a copy?”

Tori nodded. “They’re both huge fans and want to be able to talk about it the second they finish.”

Nina set the pile of books down to the left of the computer, her hands beginning the sorting process before they were even officially on the counter. “And the fourth?”

“The fourth . . . the fourth,” Tori repeated under her breath as she scrolled down the page. “The fourth went to Leona.”

“Leona?” Nina stopped sorting and turned toward Tori with rounded eyes. “I didn’t know Ms. Elkin read anything besides travel magazines.”

“She doesn’t usually. But when it comes to a Joseph Cappy book, she reads. And looks.”


“At his author photo. Again and again and again.”

“She likes Joseph Cappy?” Nina asked.

“How could she not? Have you seen that mischievous crinkle beside his eyes? Those dimples in his cheeks?” They looked up as Leona, clad in a mint green skirt and jacket, strode across the room and plunked the coveted book on the counter beside Nina’s pile. “And let’s not forget those shoulders. They’re so broad, so powerful.”

Tori laughed. “Were your ears burning? Is that why you chose this very moment to walk in?”

“My ears are just fine.” Leona flipped the book over and pointed at the author photo on the back cover flap. “I think the photo he used last year was even better. I preferred the full body shot. It made it easier to picture the two of us together.”

“The two of you together?” Tori cast an amused glance in Nina’s direction.

“Of course, dear. We’d be perfect together. His strong, towering frame would compliment my smaller, more feminine shape.”

“I, uh, don’t know what to say.” She considered the head-and-shoulder shot the author had opted to use with his latest book. “And this picture doesn’t allow you to, um, picture the two of you together?”

“It’s a bit more difficult, dear. The arms are essential.”

The arms?

“Do you picture this often?”

Leona waved her manicured fingers in the air. “All the time. I bought a copy of last year’s book the second I saw the picture.”

“The second you saw the picture? Don’t you mean the second you realized it was such a good book?”

Tilting her head down, Leona pinned her with a stare across the top of her glasses. “No, dear, I mean precisely what I said. It’s why that book is still backside out on my bookshelf a year later.”

“Backside out?” she repeated, the hint of amusement in her question nearly impossible to miss. “That’s a book placement you don’t hear often, huh, Nina?”

Nina’s face grew darker as she nibbled back her infamous shy smile. “I better get back to work. Are you going to take your dinner before I leave for the day?”

Tori glanced at her watch, noted the late afternoon hour. “I probably should.” Turning to her friend, she motioned toward the hallway. “Would you like to come sit with me in my office, Leona? I have enough for both of us.”

“I’ll come sit, dear. But I’m not hungry.”

Shrugging, Tori grabbed her purse from beneath the information Copyright 2016 - 2024