Deadly Notions - By Elizabeth Lynn Casey Page 0,25

Not yet.”

“I guess that’s no real surprise. Beth has been known to take the notion of fashionably late to a whole new level unless . . .” His voice trailed off.

“Unless what?”

“Forget it. It doesn’t really matter.”

She sat up straight, her curiosity aroused. “C’mon now, you don’t get to do that. Finish your sentence.”

A sigh filled her ear only to be thwarted by a reply she wished she hadn’t pursued. “Unless she was meeting me. Then she was never late.”

“Oh.” She took another sip, this time closing her eyes as the warm liquid slid down her throat.



“Please don’t pay any attention to what she said last night on the phone. There was no chemistry between Beth and I over dinner either night. None. Zip. She’s an old friend. Nothing more. Nothing less.”

An old friend.

An old friend he happened to have loved deeply at one time.

An old friend who had opted to end a relationship that meant the world to him.

“I know.” And she did. She just needed her head to stop messing with her heart.


The bell over the entrance to Debbie’s Bakery jingled and she looked up, her heart sinking at the sight of Beth Samuelson.

To call Milo’s college flame pretty would be an understatement of epic proportions. Beautiful didn’t truly cut it, either. Stunning, gorgeous, breathtaking—these, on the other hand, were far more accurate and equally ego crushing.

“Milo, I have to go. Beth just walked in.” Without waiting for a response, she flipped the phone shut and stood, her heart keenly aware of the simple black pencil skirt and white satiny blouse she’d chosen for the day—clothes that seemed almost dowdy compared to the form-fitting charcoal gray designer pantsuit that made every male in the room turn in Beth’s direction. Only in Beth’s case it wasn’t merely the outfit that caught their attention. It was the whole package—the sexy curves, the flirty smile, the long golden hair, the ocean blue eyes . . .

Swallowing over the lump of dread in her throat, she forced a smile to her lips. “Beth, hi. I’m so glad you made it.”

The woman nodded, her heels clicking across the floor in Tori’s direction. “I got hung up at the inn.”

Tori gestured toward the table she’d claimed. “Busy working on that logo?”

Beth deposited a large brown portfolio against the table leg then climbed onto the white lattice-back stool, her hair swishing against her back. “Logo?”

“The one for your company’s new name?” She sat up tall in an effort to catch Emma’s eye. When she did, she motioned the girl over. “Would you like something to eat, Beth?”

“I’m not much of a breakfast girl. But I’ll have a latte.” Beth turned to Emma and flashed her megawatt smile. “I’ll take a latte. Small.”

When Debbie’s employee had retreated behind the counter, Tori leaned forward. “It must be so exciting to run your own company, deciding everything from product to marketing and all aspects in-between.”

“It is.”

“I know a little bit about that with the library.” Tori pulled her mug closer to her body and inhaled slowly. “It’s fun and challenging all at the same time.”

For a moment Beth said nothing, her gaze pinning Tori as if she’d grown two heads. “You work at the library, don’t you?”

“I do. I’m the head librarian.”

“And you actually liken that to owning a business?”

Tori laughed at the surprise in the woman’s voice. “In some ways, sure. Just like you, I’m concerned with getting patrons in the door. And to do that, I have to do marketing of my own. Although it’s not usually done with commercials and full-page ads in magazines like you probably do.”

Emma reappeared beside their table, a baby blue ceramic mug in her hand. “Here you go, ma’am.”

“Thank you.” Beth leaned back in her chair as Emma set the drink in front of her. “I never heard of marketing a library.”

“The more people we have using the library, the more funding we receive.” Tori clasped her hands together and rested her chin on top. “The more funding we receive, the more programs we can offer.”

“Interesting . . .” Beth clicked her nails against the mug. “Does Milo enjoy hearing these sorts of things?”

She smiled, dropping her hands to the table as she did. “He does. He’s wonderfully supportive and he’s great to brainstorm ideas with, too.”

A quick laugh burst through Beth’s lips. “He’s great to do a lot of things with.”

Tori forced the smile to remain on her face even as her heart threatened to tug it downward at Copyright 2016 - 2024