Deadly Kisses - By Kerri Cuevas Page 0,57

His bony fingers tapped the wooden handle of his scythe.

“I’m here, what do you want? I was in the middle of something.”

Ivar tsked. “Is that any way to talk with your new boss? Abe will be thrilled when I tell him he won’t be the only one giving you your assignments now. It will be nice to see Abe again. This will be a start to a beautiful partnership. The dark is swirling in you already and with one of the Flynts in our ranks, I will get everything I deserve.”

I stormed forward and stuck my finger in his skulled face. “You will not hurt Bee or her brother. Do you hear me?”

“Your first lesson shall be obedience.”

A razor sharp saw sliced pain throughout my body and brought me to my knees. It cut through bone and my decayed organs. I gagged with a rotted taste that seeped into my mouth. When it wouldn’t stop, the pain and taste made me puke on a browned fern.

I wished I would die as the sawing became more intense. My bones felt like they’d be ripped from my body. The pressure in my head made my eyes explode. Just when I braced for more, the pain stopped.

“Stop fighting me unless you want me to continue,” Ivar crooned.

Sweat beaded down my forehead and dripped to the ground. I looked into the eyes of Ivar the Boneless. He was what horror stories were made from. His past bled through our souls. I needed to send him to the Underworld—it’s where he belonged.

He lifted me up by the back of my cloak, but I was taller than him. I forced my feet to steady and stood with my knees bent.

“In order for this partnership to work there needs to be trust. As of right now, you’re on a need to know basis. I rule my ship and everyone on it. You will do what I command with no more back talk, or I will give you a hundred times the pain you just felt. The contract between us is final, so don’t do anything unless you ask me. Everything you do from now on will go by me.”

I felt utter defeat and despair. Maybe Abe was right. I should have ascended. Then I thought of my sweet Bee and how I’d follow her to the ends of the Earth to protect her. “I understand, Ivar.”

Ravens cawed in the nearby clearing, swooping down and up again. Their cawing echoed throughout the forest in a sick melody.

“Good. You wouldn’t dare collect the girl’s soul and underhand me. One of the Flynts will be reaped on All Hallows Eve. Whomever you choose to reap must stay a Grim Reaper. Do you understand that?”

“Yes, Ivar.” I said.

Jaleb screamed. The ravens were going after him and Bee, but I couldn’t tell Ivar to stop them. Bee was frantic and my shield had dropped when Ivar was infusing pain into me. She was desperate to help me even if it risked her life. Erik and Leif appeared with Bee and Jaleb in their grips.

Jaleb swatted at the birds. When they swooped upward he tried to brush off the invisible grip that the Ancient had on his arm. He was blind to our plane—as he should be—unlike his sister. He stared at Bee with his mouth gaping open, waiting for her to tell him what was happening.

“Enough!” Ivar said. The crows stopped and flew into the air, but continued to circle over all of us.

“Jaleb, we are surrounded by Grim Reapers. We can’t run.” Bee looked to me and then looked around.

“You need to talk to me. Bee? I can’t see them. Tell me their positions.”

She whispered to Jaleb as the eyes of the Ancients churned with liquid fire. “There’s a big Ancient ugly Grim Reaper right in front of us at twelve o’clock. He’s pointing to you. There’s one at three o’clock and seven o’clock.”

Ivar glided toward Jaleb.

Bee screamed. “It’s walking toward you! Run through nine o’clock. Run Jaleb!”

“I can’t, and the X on my wrist is on fire!” Jaleb was forced to stand up with his arms by his side. His face strained, trying to gain his mobility back.

“Aiden, do something,” Bee pleaded.

“Quiet girl,” Ivar said.

“You don’t want to mess with me. Leave my brother alone or I will find a way to make you wish you went straight to—” Bee stood frozen with fear.

“Ad, I can make you control her. Do me the honor and shut her up before I Copyright 2016 - 2024