Deadly Dreams - By Kylie Brant Page 0,95

just saying. Now that Jennings isn’t around anymore, there’s a chance that whoever hired him will line up someone else. Or else try to finish the job himself.”

Johnny had been up all night thinking about it. With the help of Jim Beam, the answers had become increasingly clear.

Someone from the John Squad was responsible for the recent deaths.

He tipped another finger of bourbon into his glass and tossed it back. Welcomed the scorching path it took down his throat. The motivation wasn’t important. Greed or guilt, he figured, but the why never mattered worth a damn to the dead. It was the living who mattered. And Johnny had no doubt which of the surviving members was behind this.

Juan didn’t have the guts. He’d probably already loaded up and hauled ass out of the city, given his behavior earlier today. Hans . . . Johnny surveyed the bottle consideringly. Hans had the guts. He had the brains. But Johnny would stake his life that the other man was solid. This job relied as much on instincts as it did police work, and he’d trust Hans with his life. The man had handpicked him. Brought him into the group. Been a mentor of sorts to him all those years ago.

No, it wasn’t Hans. Not just because he didn’t want it to be but because it didn’t make sense. The older man wasn’t the one acting crazier than a mental patient off his meds.

That description only fit Jonas.

He wouldn’t have thought Jonas had it in him either, but all his talk earlier of atonement had convinced Johnny otherwise. Maybe he was having some sort of mental breakdown. Maybe he’d already gone whack-job loony. But Johnny thought it was past time to discover which, once and for all.

Glancing at the clock, he took one more swig from the bottle before getting up to collect a few items. He knew where Jonas lived, although he’d never been inside. He’d hit a pay phone on the way and tell him to expect him and Hans.

The lie would be exposed when Johnny showed up alone. But it would have Jonas opening up the door, which he may not have otherwise.

Which would mean, of course, that the man wasn’t totally crazy.

Jonas swung open the door and turned to walk back into the darkened room, leaving Johnny to follow. He pushed the door shut with the sole of his shoe. He didn’t have a plan. Not really. But there was no sense being careless and leaving fingerprints.

The other man was still dressed from work, although it was the middle of the night. He looked like shit, though. Worse, if it were possible, than he had at the meet. And he’d looked bad then.

Johnny had practiced his story on the way over and launched into it without delay. “Hans should be here any minute. He was going to meet me.”

No answer. Apparently Jonas didn’t give a shit. “Beer?”

“No thanks.”

The man pulled one from a twelve pack at the foot of the chair he’d been sitting in and popped the tab. Swayed slightly as he drank. Johnny didn’t need the empty cans on the floor to attest that the guy was well on his way to smashed.

Which might make the upcoming conversation easier.

“Listen, Hans and I got to talking after you guys left and the thing is, we think maybe Juan might be behind this whole thing.” He waited for Jonas’s exclamation of surprise. It didn’t come. He watched the other man more carefully. “Makes sense if you think about it. Whoever is doing this has to know all of us. And Juan has always bitched that his associate brought in lower earnings than the rest of ours. Remember that? He hasn’t been happy with his share since he started.”

“Juan is running for his life right now.” Jonas gave him a grin that had Johnny’s flesh crawling. “Just like you should be. And Hans.”

He didn’t think it was the bourbon that had him reacting to Jonas’s words. They were a threat. “But not you?”

“I’m not afraid. Not anymore.” He drank a long swallow. Wiped his mouth on his sleeve. Not like the perfect gentleman he always acted like before. “Things become very clear when you know what has to be done. When you know you’re doing God’s will. Finally. Seems like I’ve been scared for years.” He peered closely at Johnny in the semidarkness. “That’ll seem pussy to you. Never frightened of anything, are you, Johnny? Bet you’re afraid now, though. Copyright 2016 - 2024