Deadly Dreams - By Kylie Brant Page 0,93

EMS ambulance crew had taken over, her first call had been to Morales, who’d promised to alert the commissioner. A second ambulance had to be summoned for Adam’s driver, who’d been wounded when he’d exchanged fire with the occupant in the other vehicle.

The shooter had been killed. Raiker’s driver was in stable condition.

Adam hadn’t regained consciousness.

She was too weary to stem the bleak tide of dread at the thought. Glancing at the clock, she saw that two hours had passed since they’d wheeled him into surgery. No one had been out with an update. But no one had come to tell her he was dead either, and Risa was clinging to that fact with all the optimism she could muster.

It hadn’t taken long for the local FBI field agents to make an appearance. Had taken even less time for her to demand how they could have so thoroughly screwed up. The ensuing conversation hadn’t been pleasant, hence the three agents’ stance across the room, all studiously ignoring her.

The commissioner and his deputy had come and gone after conferring with both her and the federal agents. Impossible to believe that in all the activity, time still insisted on dragging.

Someone approached to stand next to her. She heaved a mental sigh. She really couldn’t summon the energy to contemplate another go round with one of the federal agents. But when something was placed around her shoulders, she did look up. Found Nate.

“You looked cold.” He nodded toward the suit jacket he’d draped around her.

Risa stood, unwilling to admit to the thread of relief filtering through her. “They keep these places freezing.” Noticing the direction of his gaze, she looked down. Saw her bloodstained tank. “It’s not mine.”

“Gave me a bad start at first. But Morales said you were uninjured.”

“Raiker survived four attacks on his life. The only reason he was here was because the bureau claimed to have the guy responsible. He was under surveillance, they said.” She aimed another resentful look toward the three agents talking in low tones on the other side of the room. “I’ve yet to hear an explanation for how someone under surveillance managed to put three bullets into my boss.”

Her voice cracked on the last words and Nate reached out. Hauled her into his arms. “He’s going to be okay.” The assurance was whispered in her ear.

Risa closed her eyes and swallowed hard, willing it to be true. “You can’t possibly know that.”

“As a matter of fact I do. Me and the big guy,” he jabbed a finger skyward. “We’re really tight. He called me a just a minute ago and gave me the news.”

She let out a helpless laugh that a moment ago she would have sworn was beyond her. “I’m pretty sure that’s considered sacrilegious in almost every religion.”

“Only if it’s not true.”

Letting out a long sigh, she rested against him for just a moment. “It’s been a helluva day.”

She could feel his lips in her hair. And his arms remained tight around her. “That it has.”

Somehow the next hour passed more quickly than the previous three. And that had everything to do with the man at her side, who kept her hand clasped tightly in his the entire time.

“Risa.” She looked up to see Paulie Samuels and Kellan Burke hurrying toward her. Disentangling her fingers from Nate’s, she immediately missed the warmth of his touch.

Caught in a bear hug by the effusive Samuels, she clung for a moment, before he was shoved aside so Burke could take his place. “Glad to see you in one piece.”

“I’m not the one they’ve spent the last few hours putting back together.” She stepped back, gave the men a wan smile. “No news yet. Nothing since they took him in for surgery.”

“I can’t believe they haven’t sent anyone out to update you.” Paulie’s tone was irate, but his eyes were worried.

Belatedly, she remembered a semblance of manners. “Lieutenant Detective Nate McGuire, PPD.” She gestured to Nate, who’d risen. “Paulie Samuels, Adam’s right arm, and Kellan Burke, a fellow investigator for Raiker Forensics.” She caught Kellan’s sidelong glance and realized what she’d said. Of course he would have gotten wind of her resignation. Probably had heard of Raiker’s refusal to accept it. Burke knew Adam better than most of them, second only to Paulie. There was some sort of history between the two men that had never been fully explained.

“Had a heck of a time getting away without Macy, but she flies to LA for a big trial Copyright 2016 - 2024