Deadly Dreams - By Kylie Brant Page 0,83

wondered if that were part of the offender’s MO, to make it easier to ID the victims. Strike fear in the heart of others, as Risa had said.

“They find a connection to our case?” Out of the corner of his eye, he caught the sudden attention his words got from Risa.

“Said they found a police ID and a plastic badge, just like the three victims we found. The police commissioner has been on the phone making nice. By the time you get to the scene, hopefully he’ll have convinced the sheriff to allow us to take precedence in the case. But step carefully. We’re out of our territory, and technically you’re the guest of Sheriff Williams for the duration.”

“I understand. Any word on the identity of the victim?” A small movement caught his eye. Risa was as white as a sheet, the tension from the morning back in spades. He wondered at it, but the captain’s next words drove the concern for her to the back of his mind.

“I think you’ve met him. ID reads Detective Mark Randolph.”

Nate cast one last look at Risa. Found her expression unchanged. She’d been silent and still since he’d talked to her about Morales’s phone call. Been monosyllabic the entire ride to Montgomery County. She’d been acting strangely all day. But his frequent inquiries about what was on her mind had been rebuffed.

He’d had plenty of experience dealing with a female’s moods. Hell of it was, he just hadn’t thought Risa was the mercurial type that would need handling. He could allow himself to be a tad disappointed about discovering differently. Until they got to the scene and his focus settled solely on the case.

Montgomery County was a frequent commute for people who worked in Philly. The area was an oasis of suburbia, just far enough from the big bad city to be rid of its disadvantages, but close enough to reap its benefits, too. It still had a rural feel, with plenty of rolling hills and wooded areas in between the towns and housing developments dotting the county.

The crime scene was easy to find. Five sheriff’s cars were parked along the side of the road, blocking the entrance to what appeared to be an old farmstead. The rutted drive looked overgrown, but there was evidence of plenty of recent traffic through the young saplings and tall weeds that punctuated the area. With the windbreak of towering firs blocking the front, and the lightly wooded area along the twisting drive, the activity farther up the property was hidden from sight.

Nate got out of the car and headed toward the nearest deputy, who had straightened at his approach. “Lieutenant Detective Nate McGuire, Homicide, Philadelphia PD.” He felt, rather than saw Risa at his side. “Risa Chandler, special task force consultant. Sounds like you’ve got one of our guys in there.”

“Deputy Kyle Berding. Sheriff Haffey said to be expecting you.” His look encompassed Risa. “You’ll have to walk in. They’ve got the scene contained. I’ll radio him that you’re on your way.”

Thanking him, Nate headed toward the trail that had at one time been a driveway. The place was too wooded to have been a working farm. Likely it’d been acreage, although from the looks of the overgrowth still visible where the recent traffic hadn’t mowed it over, it’d likely been abandoned some time ago.

“So what do you think? A structure fire this time? Maybe used an old house or barn that was on its last legs anyway?”

“No. There was no structure.”

“You sound certain.”

She stepped over a recently downed small tree in the center of the drive. “He avoids structures, doesn’t he?” she said finally. “Other than the warehouse, which was a good pick, in its way. Empty, steel beams, brick exterior, no windows. He likes to be outside because he likes to watch. To stay as close as he can, as long as he can. You set a building on fire, and you’re likely to be consumed along with the victim. Fire burns a lot hotter with that much fuel.”

“If he’s got some of the arsonist psychology going on, the bigger the fire the better.”

“He’s more than that.” When she stumbled, gave a hiss of frustration, he reached out to grab her elbow. “The fire means something to him emotionally, but he’s most concerned with his victim’s suffering. And he wants to see that. Has to. It makes sense he consistently chooses a spot that allows him to stay close enough to experience his victim’s Copyright 2016 - 2024