Deadly Dreams - By Kylie Brant Page 0,23

guy. We’ve no shortage of manpower, and we’ll have more volunteers than we can use, which is great. But that also means everyone we work with is going to want to know about the progress of the case. They’ll be quizzing you about it.” He looked from one face to another. “I shouldn’t have to remind you, but confidentiality is an issue on any task force, and this one is no different. Let’s keep the details in this group. If I find out that anyone’s talking—to anyone—that will be grounds for immediate dismissal from the investigation.” Risa noted that a few of the detectives exchanged glances, but none said a word as they filed out of the room.

She also observed Cass shooting a final look at McGuire before exiting with Brandau at her side. She took a moment to wonder if there was something personal going on between the two before dismissing the thought. The man’s personal life was nothing to her. And it certainly had nothing to do with the case.

When the room was empty save for Morales, McGuire, and Risa, the captain spoke again. “Nate, you’ll be paired with Risa for the duration of the case.” He seemed to watch the detective’s face closely. “Will that be a problem?”

It came to her in a flash that the assignments had been determined by the captain, although he’d allowed McGuire to run the briefing. Which explained why the man wasn’t working with his regular partner. She, too, observed Nate for a reaction to the assignment. But his expression remained impassive. “No, sir.”

“She’ll have access to all details pertinent to the case,” Eduardo went on. A smile flickered at the corner of his mouth as he looked at Risa. “Let’s hope you still have those famous instincts of yours.”

The words started her heart hammering in her chest. No pressure. No expectations.

Yeah, right. “I hope I can be of some help,” she managed inanely, and searched for something, anything, to change the subject. “What about the tape?” She looked at both men in turn. “I’m sure IT isn’t done with it yet, but did anyone come back for it last night?”

Nate shook his head. “We put a dummy camera in the place of the one he left. I’ve had some undercover officers posted there around the clock since we left the scene. There have been a few people in the area, none of whom approached the tree. But they questioned and ID’d all of them.”

“He’d be expecting a police presence at what’s still a crime scene,” Risa mused. “He may wait a while before returning.” The UNSUB could afford to be patient, up to a point. There was no rain in the forecast this week. All he risked was a dead battery on the camera. And it had been well hidden in that fork between the branches. Chances of it being discovered were small. Most would never have noticed it.

Most wouldn’t have dreamed of the scene.

“We’ll keep someone posted there for the duration.” The corner of his mouth pulled up briefly. “We can only hope it gets solved that easily.” Taking a sheet from the folder on the table in front of him, he continued, “Results of the latents test were back this morning. No prints on the ID, toy badge, camera, or the tape. They’d been wiped clean.”

“IT will make a dub of the tape for us before going to work on the original,” the captain put in. “I’ll let you know when that’s ready.”

Nate nodded. “In the meantime, I finally tracked down Sam Crowley, the guy the witness was meeting when she happened on the body yesterday morning. No doubt she’d given him a heads-up that she’d named him, because he did a good job of making himself scarce last night. But we grabbed him when he was going to work this morning. He’s in the interview room right now.”

Morales pursed his lips. “He’s the ex-con, right? Anything in his background that rings a bell?”

“He did a two-year stretch for embezzlement. Before that he had a couple arrests for simple assault and leaving the scene of an accident.”

“Might’ve seen something on his way to meet Bixby,” Risa put in.

Morales jerked his head toward the door. “Go find out.” They got as far as the door before his voice stopped them. “Nate, swing by Darrell’s desk and pick up a visitor’s badge for Risa until we get her a temp ID.”

She followed the detective out of the room and through the Copyright 2016 - 2024